Just wanted to say Welcome Home to our favorite dudes --- home from a great tour in Europe and home to families and friends that missed them while they were on the road! Can't wait to see you guys again stateside - that live DVD would be a schweet gig!
The pics are coming, I promise -- lots of editing!
Congrats to a great tour, guys -- especially that gig in Aschaffenburg, the one that never seemed to end! That is surely one night that will go on and on in your memories! I only wish you could have seen the crowd turn towards the doors when Tommy announced you'd be in the hall for autographs!!!!
I wouldn't have missed this for the world! THANKS AGAIN, Guys!!! Enchant Ruleth!!!
The pics are coming, I promise -- lots of editing!
Congrats to a great tour, guys -- especially that gig in Aschaffenburg, the one that never seemed to end! That is surely one night that will go on and on in your memories! I only wish you could have seen the crowd turn towards the doors when Tommy announced you'd be in the hall for autographs!!!!

I wouldn't have missed this for the world! THANKS AGAIN, Guys!!! Enchant Ruleth!!!