Welcome Home, Guys!


Mar 18, 2003
Catonsville, MD USA
Just wanted to say Welcome Home to our favorite dudes --- home from a great tour in Europe and home to families and friends that missed them while they were on the road! Can't wait to see you guys again stateside - that live DVD would be a schweet gig!

The pics are coming, I promise -- lots of editing!

Congrats to a great tour, guys -- especially that gig in Aschaffenburg, the one that never seemed to end! That is surely one night that will go on and on in your memories! I only wish you could have seen the crowd turn towards the doors when Tommy announced you'd be in the hall for autographs!!!! :grin:

I wouldn't have missed this for the world! THANKS AGAIN, Guys!!! Enchant Ruleth!!! :grin:
Actually you ruleth Mare.

I just got the pics on the disc and will be showing the guys this weekend or sooner when we get togather! They are amazing! I feel like I right back there in Germany when I look at them! Damn it went fast didn't it! Yes that night and just about every night will live on in our memories for sure!

It was so cool having you over. What a trip it must have been for you, you got to see the best shows! Aschaffenburg was probably the band fav overall because of the great crowd but the Astoria was pretty damn cool too, I loved Bochum as well, they were all good! and these photos are better than good! Thanks so much from all of us for making that trip over and not only taking amazing pics but for supporting us and being such an amazing person!

A million thanks to you! from us!

Hopefully we will see you real soon when the DVD happens!

Man I have some serious editing to do as well with all the video footage!

mgirishfan said:
Just wanted to say Welcome Home to our favorite dudes --- home from a great tour in Europe and home to families and friends that missed them while they were on the road! Can't wait to see you guys again stateside - that live DVD would be a schweet gig!

The pics are coming, I promise -- lots of editing!

Congrats to a great tour, guys -- especially that gig in Aschaffenburg, the one that never seemed to end! That is surely one night that will go on and on in your memories! I only wish you could have seen the crowd turn towards the doors when Tommy announced you'd be in the hall for autographs!!!! :grin:

I wouldn't have missed this for the world! THANKS AGAIN, Guys!!! Enchant Ruleth!!! :grin:
Awwwww, thanks..... :blush: !!

You'll have the rest of them by Monday or Tuesday at the latest....wait till ya see the pics from the restaurant in Aschaffenburg! I need a five-panel frame, LOL -- I think I'll be printing these babies in B/W and hanging them on the wall! :)
There is more?

We need more of Sean! I mean Benicio :) he is buried back there behind the set, damn!

Aschaffenburg the restraunt???? oh yes the amazing shimmel schnitzel :) actually that was Munich wasn,t it? We had a proper meal in Aschaffenburg that was the Jagerschnitzel right? or was it the smemmellshitzel :) ( say that five times drunk ) no that was Munich two after way many beers!

You obviously have Aschaffenburg pics as well then???? cool that was an amazing show.
Hey there Ed, yes there is more! You only have the first three German gigs! Check your email! ;) In Paderborn I finally got shots of Sean - and yep there are lots of them! Benicio - hah! Yah, I remember Doug's comment the first night in Hamburg when I was scrolling through the pics on the camera -- "Hey these are great! Too bad we don't have a drummer!" It was tooo funny!

Yes, that was the restaurant - the 'proper meal'....yup, I had hacksteak, you all had Jagerschnitzel...the 'Shimmelschnitzel' :grin: was from Munich, with Thomas, after quite a few brewskis....then I added "Schwitzerschnitzel' for when you all got to Switzerland, LOL! Speaking of that restaurant - I wonder if that guy is still talking about "AC-DC....Hells Bells!!" to whoever walks in? ROFL!!!

Yep, I have Aschaffenburg - and Paderborn, and Munich still to go! Coming your way soon!

Cheers! :)