Welcome to the board!

Bryant said:
Yep, this bunch is a collection of mature and quality fans and posters and well then there is me. :loco: I am the court jester here I suppose, but it's all in fun. We are building a Tad Morose army to "Take on the World" and we are happy to have you in uniform. Salute !!


as long as the uniforms blend with my tattoos:goggly:
LUDMER said:
Hi, my screen name LUDMER was an old band I was in, I go by Skeleton Crew, Crew, SC or esqueleto now. I'm 40 with 2 little metal head boys (6 and 3), live in New York and been into metal since I first heard Sabbath as a child. I met Pabla on the Iron Maiden Board. She has since turned me on to some great music, I am lucky to have found her :hug:.
I'm a musician who is without a band at the moment but I do this solo live cover thing where i play classic metal covers by myself ~ Skeleton Crew. I loop guitar and bass parts live to a drum machine. When it works it's very funny, sometimes it ends in a train wreck.
Anyway, the Devil and I will be heading down to Georgia for PP5, very psyched.
Nice to meet you all.

Byant> My wife is from Fla so I eat all of that stuff and am a big beer drinker.

AKA: Esqueleto :D . **HUG**
Bryant said:
The GNX4 is a guitar workstation, but it also has bass effects and cabinet/amp simulator, phantom power for mics and vocal effects, a midi programmable drum machine and software for home disc recording.

Sounds complicated. :hypno:
Pabla said:
Try being a night owl Gauny...that's how I do it :tickled: ...then again I never get much sleep :ill: thanks for the hellcome ;)
Pabla....keep up your night owl impersonation and soon you'll be the imsomniac damned for all eternity :hotjump: yep there ya are headbangin' to MAIDEN!! :wave: SC you actually admitted your age :OMG: Hello to those in here :wave: and hugs to those I know! next year, dammit, next year definately, definately going to PP!!!!!!!!!! :yell: