New Metal Member
What a great time to start being a Maidens fan!! Love the message board and the music! Now come to the southeast so I can see you in person!
Originally posted by steveheiress
...unless by mid-august you mean 8/15-19... I'll be in Japan on those dates (wheeee!!) with an all-female tribute to AC/DC called Whole Lotta Rosies...
Originally posted by Red Shirt
Hey Mel, great idea. (Your idea, right?) I don't know who does your website, but what an awesome job putting that together. It's sooo cool!
If your the one always sending the latest maidens info, I hope that whoever takes that over does as good as a job as you.
Originally posted by smylex
Mel, if you get anywhere near Kadena Air Force Base, find out how to get to the music store on BC Street. (Hopefully, it's still open.) There, you might find the Iron Maiden videos that you don't have, including the show from 1980 at the Rainbow, London, UK (Adrian Smith's first show and Killers with different lyrics!). And if you do, I'm gonna have you do some shopping for me.![]()
Yay! Those software errors were driving me nuts!! I'd craft the perfect post, spend lots of time reading and proofreading, and hit the submit button. Ikonboard would return a So I stopped posting as much!
Originally posted by steveheiress
However, I think the site (and the mailing list) will thrive in the very capable hands of MiniMurray, Brucie, Nikki, and Adrianne. It should be very interesting to watch the website evolve under new management!
Originally posted by steveheiress
The gig is at some military base in Okinawa... perhaps its the one of which you speak. Do you remember the name of the place? I'm not even sure we're going to be able to get off the base, but who knows. Japanese imports, wheeeee!!!
Originally posted by CreepingDeathBand
To play the devils advocate, the software errors were caused by lack of server space and bandwidth throttling.
Originally posted by SciKikMobster
14 Below looks like it was a Fun Filled Night... wish I could have been there. I'll be there on the 24th - regardless.
Originally posted by CreepingDeathBand
To play the devils advocate, the software errors were caused by lack of server space and bandwidth throttling.
Originally posted by MiniMurray
:zombie: :zombie: :zombie: :zombie: <------does this mean we'll have to adopt Mel's Motto of "sleep is highly overrated?"
Originally posted by steveheiress
The version of ikonboard we were using was a beta version. I think it was just unable to handle the small amount of userload that we had. Bandwidth and disk space were never an issue (maybe they are now that I'm starting to host video on our website but the point is now moot!!).
Thank you so much for your help in implementing the first Maidens boards. We got a lot of use out of them and I think they were very helpful in building this community!
Originally posted by CreepingDeathBand
No problem with the help. I am actually switching over to vBulletin (and had plan to for some time) because UBB is too expensive and I need a bandwidth friendly board. It's half the price, more reliable and has more features.