Welcome! (Wilkommen?:))

I got another great austrian band:


They fuckin' kick ass. It's Blackmetal with Deathmetalparts
And Dornenreich is cool too. But more...hmm...melancholie.

Depp Jones [ Rock. A little bit metal ] are from Germany. A Sideproject of Bela B. the drummer of Die Ärzte [ great Fun Punk Rock ].
Empyrium is another great band from Germany. Melancholie Blackmetal. Especially the both first albums. The second called Songs of moors & misty fields is great stuff. If u like melancholie metal then u must listen to this CD ! ! !

from Germany
Originally posted by opacity
I think adding
Burden of Grief
is nothing I could be sued for, whereas I'm not so sure about that with adding
Mystic Circle .... :heh:
still, I like "Lucifer's Angel" :p :Saint:

Someone who knows Burden of Grief???

You MUST be from germany ;)

btw: Lacrimosa is !!!NOT!!! a Metalband!