Well shit...

The Man

Franks and beans!
Feb 4, 2002
Gautier, MS
so the reunion rumors are true. i've stayed quiet on the issue until now, but this whole thing really bugs me. this entire thing seems so completely not genuine. i don't think it's completely about money. i think scott and charlie are serious about dime's death upsetting them and wanting to reconcile past relationships. but why did they have to reconcile with people who suck? i have nothing against spitz or belladonna personally, but they styles do not fit what anthrax have become in the last 10-12 years. belladonna's voice made anthrax what they were long ago, but their music got heavier and his voice couldn't support that. then they got bush and went to a whole new level musically and john's voice was strong enough for where they wanted to go. his voice fit them perfectly. and rob's guitar work gave them an amazing edge. so why are they seemingly turning their backs on 2 people who helped them create the best music they have ever made? i'll tell you why: because they finally lost their fucking marbles.
I have a theory and it's probably already been said here somewhere. and it could be completely off base seeing as i never got to hear the interview(If anyone has the hookup for that it would be super sweet) This has been called a reunion tour and maybe that is just what it is. they'll go on tour for a while maybe kick out an album and then call 'er good. meanwhile bush gets to see his kid grow up for a while. then at the end of this revistation on the past they get back to taking anthrax forward. of course this is at least partially wishfull thinking.
The God of Hellfire said:
I have a theory and it's probably already been said here somewhere. and it could be completely off base seeing as i never got to hear the interview(If anyone has the hookup for that it would be super sweet) This has been called a reunion tour and maybe that is just what it is. they'll go on tour for a while maybe kick out an album and then call 'er good. meanwhile bush gets to see his kid grow up for a while. then at the end of this revistation on the past they get back to taking anthrax forward. of course this is at least partially wishfull thinking.
i hope you're right, amigo. it sounds like a good theory.