Well that just won't work


in the soil beneath
Nov 17, 2004
Austin, Texas
Honestly, Akerfeldt says this is the best "Heavy" record of the decade, I have to disagree, it is the best OVERALL record of the decade. Jonas and Anders said in an interview that they planned on playing 5 songs (possibly) from NITND, but really man, come on this albums OWNS! play it in its entirety!!!:kickass: i'm being super fan boy and I usually don't on forums, but when they come to the states I hope to hear mostly NITND and TGCD, and I think those two albums really show how the band truely evolves album after album unlike many bands who say they do, but don't
why do you dislike TGCD so much bluesky?

My biggest issue is the bare bones writing. All there really is to the majority of the album is extremely straight forward riff's that anyone could have written. I don't dislike it, but there's not a whole lot that's standout to me either. It just feels like it's missing practically everything that makes the band so great imo. I can see I'm getting damn redundant on the matter so whatever ... Just my opinion.
My biggest issue is the bare bones writing. All there really is to the majority of the album is extremely straight forward riff's that anyone could have written. I don't dislike it, but there's not a whole lot that's standout to me either. It just feels like it's missing practically everything that makes the band so great imo. I can see I'm getting damn redundant on the matter so whatever ... Just my opinion.

I feel like the riffage on TGCD is superior to NITND. I felt like the NITND riffs were kind of meh...
I feel like the riffage on TGCD is superior to NITND. I felt like the NITND riffs were kind of meh...
The thing is NitND isn't the riff centric record TGCD is. The riffing is used more sparingly, and is more interesting when used. TGCD on the other hands comes off as Katatonia's stab at a Tool record; however, they aren't nearly that level of musicians. It's just not a very interesting record imo.
Are you kidding me? He has a fucking amazing voice, way better than any (for the most part) standard cheesy power/classic heavy metal singer....

I just can't stand that style of vocals and his lyrics suck IMO, I hate this band on the same level as I do Dream Theatre, I just don't like the style of music, it conveys no emotion for me.

The thing is NitND isn't the riff centric record TGCD is. The riffing is used more sparingly, and is more interesting when used. TGCD on the other hands comes off as Katatonia's stab at a Tool record; however, they aren't nearly that level of musicians. It's just not a very interesting record imo.
I really don't think the guys in TOOL are anywhere near as good musicians as Katatonia, with the exception of Danny Carey. I think the guys in TOOL are great song writers, and they were my favorite band for like 6 years, but Adam Jones couldn't do a side project like Bloodbath or anything other than what he's doing. I like his style, but its really not the complicated I have about 20 knock off TOOL riffs of my own. . . . .but back to what I was saying when I started this thread than no one has discussed is the possibility for Katatonia to play NITND in its entirety, or at least more than 5 songs
The thing is NitND isn't the riff centric record TGCD is. The riffing is used more sparingly, and is more interesting when used. TGCD on the other hands comes off as Katatonia's stab at a Tool record; however, they aren't nearly that level of musicians. It's just not a very interesting record imo.

Yo bro I only feel the need to post when something so sacrilegious like what you just said crosses my eyes. Anders complete demolishes Jones in every aspect of guitar playing.

Add to this Tool takes 4-5 YEARS to release a single record that has 1-2 "solid" tracks you just make yourself look like a complete fangirl. Don't get me wrong, Danny is an amazing drummer, but other than that Tool is overhyped, overplayed, and over the hill. Get that shit OUGHTA HERE :puke:
Yo bro I only feel the need to post when something so sacrilegious like what you just said crosses my eyes. Anders complete demolishes Jones in every aspect of guitar playing.

Add to this Tool takes 4-5 YEARS to release a single record that has 1-2 "solid" tracks you just make yourself look like a complete fangirl. Don't get me wrong, Danny is an amazing drummer, but other than that Tool is overhyped, overplayed, and over the hill. Get that shit OUGHTA HERE :puke:

:lol::lol: Speaking of fangirl. You're completely oblivious if you think this is even a competition. Having seen both bands live first hand I can tell you as players they're not even close to the same level as anyone in Tool in technique or precision, and their music is less demanding. FACT. Katatonia is not known to be a tight live band or monstrous players for a reason. Katatonia are songwriters first, and foremost. I'm a huge fan of both bands, and this is non-bias speaking. I'm not going to dignify this discussion any further.