well thats interesting.... a lyric in Restless Oblivion...

Don Corleone said:
i think "inamorato" means a lover (not necessarily a male one)

i think it's just there cause it sounds good
better at least than 'my lover died'
uhh, just imagined how it would sound&look like, I could also imagine them playing it live like this and I produced a face almost like this :ill: and than :lol:
ikeaboy said:
worried? :erk: piss off, its a sad situation to be analysing something as small as one word from inside a cd booklet that came out almost 10 years ago

ah i forgot, its for anathemongs, sorry

yeah, boohoo, someone has a question about a lyric. 'shame they want to know more about the origin of the thoughts which created the word', eh? in my best English accent... 'fack off'
Not choosing anyone's side here, but FFS, this is a forum of a band, so what kind of threads would you expect??? I often wonder what guys like Bambi and Ikeaboy are doing on these boards cos the only thing they're interested in is criticize fans who ask questions about Anathema. Pfft. I've seen quite a few band forums that are quite a lot worse than this one.
fuck off ya little muppet, here, why dont ye eat the fucking silent enigma booklet if yis cant understand 'why that word is used' :erk: its just a word, big deal, get over it
yeah, really. it doesn't make me less of a fan than they are... so, instead of solving the matter by saying "this is the reason behind the lyric", they go "oh god, a question... by the way, your band picture is gay!" and resolve nothing
Hey, I didnt criticize this guy for coming on a forum that VINCENT CAVANAGH doesnt post on and asking how VINCENT CAVANAGH might feel about singing a lyric that he didnt write. I didnt even say anything about the fact the literal translation of inamorato is merely "enamoured" as oppposed to its english usage as male lover. After all this is the anathema forum and its mission is to provide people with the means to talk utter shite about anathema if they feel so inclined. :hypno:
dead6skin6mask6 said:
ok? don't get all offended because i chose to ask a question about the lyrics. i'm sure you can be bothered by something less dumb.

ha and you dont look dumb? are you trying to call up demons? ah right i get it now, i think
Bambi said:
Hey, I didnt criticize this guy for coming on a forum that VINCENT CAVANAGH doesnt post on and asking how VINCENT CAVANAGH might feel about singing a lyric that he didnt write. I didnt even say anything about the fact the literal translation of inamorato is merely "enamoured" as oppposed to its english usage as male lover. After all this is the anathema forum and its mission is to provide people with the means to talk utter shite about anathema if they feel so inclined. :hypno:

i couldnt of put it better
ikeaboy said:
fuck off ya little muppet, here, why dont ye eat the fucking silent enigma booklet if yis cant understand 'why that word is used' :erk: its just a word, big deal, get over it

and if you failed to miss the point of the thread, it was my friend Dylan that brought me the question to ask to you here. dig your head out of your ass and stop being uptight.
dead6skin6mask6 said:
and if you failed to miss the point of the thread, it was my friend Dylan that brought me the question to ask to you here. dig your head out of your ass and stop being uptight.

oh my mind is distorted, im off to make tea
either way, at least not everybody at this board has a dick shoved up their ass like you and Bambi... which is why I refuse to post here as much as I should. either way, I shall continue listening to the music they have made, and the music that they WILL make in the future. I just hope that assholes like you will realize that you make it very uncomfortable for fans of the band to be here.
Well now thats all resolved: the use of the term inamorato in a song does'nt necesarraly mean that vinnies a raving shirt lifter as:
a) it does not have to refer to a male
b) he didnt write the lyric

hopefully, when we get the psychic weblink hooked up to his brain thru our esp over http protocol, we'll be able to find out how he felt about singing that line ten years ago? Or maybe Danny or Mehdi will give him a ring and ask??

Thanks For Calling dead4skinmask44!!

Next caller is dimitri from cyprus: hmmm "did danny go out with some girl called echonia and what made her cry?"