well thats interesting.... a lyric in Restless Oblivion...

oops 4 and 6 so close on the numlock, silly me, Saaaahhhrryyy :blush:

if you'd stuck to deadskinmask (uberkultnick!!) these dreadful accidents wouldnt happen
ha ha ha ha touché, you witty blade! how droll!.
i hope you post here as often as you "should", I'll endeavour to answer anymore questions you might have, even if they are utterly inane. Does your band have any plans to tour europe?? I'd love to see you...
so, i take it that i passed a 'bambi test'? haha... well, i wish we could tour europe... let alone the USA. we havent played much out of NJ... once in Philadelphia, once in Delaware. hope that something comes out of our EP that is due out in February or March
Em, No you failed it I'm afraid: sarcasm detection 101. you got an E- :erk:
but please do feel free to hang around here all the same :wave:

Y'see Cerulean you whinging little girly boy? i CAN be nice, even when people are nasty to me :Spin:
who said fans annoy me? stop projecting your fears onto me. You annoy me because your belgian and dont know how to address grown ups properly
you're quite lippy for a kid, i hope you're like that in real life too and arent only e-lippy. That would be a disappointment :err:

now go to your room little boy doom!!
dead6skin6mask6 said:
either way, at least not everybody at this board has a dick shoved up their ass like you and Bambi... which is why I refuse to post here as much as I should. either way, I shall continue listening to the music they have made, and the music that they WILL make in the future. I just hope that assholes like you will realize that you make it very uncomfortable for fans of the band to be here.

im offended
i tell ye, thats the thing, these young ones are fierce lippy, AND only discovering immaratos, burritos or whatever just now! jayzuz
Jeeaaysus :lol:

Maybe a remark in parentheses

(questions about a band that has been on the seen for more than ten years will surface and resurface again as younger people get into their stuff who haven't been here or anywhere Anathemaniac or anythingmaniac before)

When I got Alice In Chains's Dirt and Facelift in the 90s, I wrote down all the lyrics and looked up the words I didn't know, I still have the wordlist in pencil somewhere. It also made me learn a lot of words, but I wouldn't have done it if I hadn't been a fan, I don't have Iron Maiden or Ozzy word lists. I wish inamoratos would be a problem only at the vocabulary level now :lol:

But I just love seeing you fight, really. :)
Btw, what's wrong with the Belgians? I'd like to go to the BENELUX countries this summer to see something of the civilized world at last :)