Went to a Rammstein gig last night


Nov 4, 2008
:hotjump: :flame: STOKED :flame: :hotjump:

Those guys now how to put up a show. I´ve never seem that many fire on the stage even if I combine all the gigs that I´ve ever watched together. I can imagine all the firefighters of the venue quitting their jobs today, it was massive. If you never saw them live and get the opportunity, go for it, even if you don´t dig the music.

Flake (keys) is such a weird showman. At some point on Du Hast, Till came with a giant rocket launcher and shot flares on the public (one of them even hitted a guy next to me), fuckin awesome (3:00).


There were so many types of flamethrowers that I can´t even remember. It was like a huge fireball for every bar of the song. There was even a dildo flamethrower. Actually, two.
so are the rumors true? did he ram a dildo up his ass on stage? :lol:

LOL nope, but there was an interlude on Pussy where the drummer showed up with three dildos, two of them shooting sparks all over the place :guh:

I went to the concert with very high expectations after watching the Volkerball DVD, and they more than delivered. After the show I was like this :rock: for the following 5 hours. I was like fluent in german.
narco, saw the pics of the sao paulo show. Looked awesome. It is a pity the travel alone from our place to SP is like 600 bucks. Btw, you had some great shows in Sao paulo this year.
narco, saw the pics of the sao paulo show. Looked awesome. It is a pity the travel alone from our place to SP is like 600 bucks. Btw, you had some great shows in Sao paulo this year.

Yeah, even the ticket for the gig alone was expensive (R$200, but I paid half), but it was stunning. The gig was sold-out (around 5k people), so I hope they'll come back to Brazil every tour from now on. Everyone should see a Rammstein gig before die!

You ALWAYS get your moneys worth when going to a Rammstein concert. With all the fire/effects/pyro it's just really enjoyable. Oh yeah they perform well also :)

For sure. After seen the olkerball DVD I was worried that the show here wouldn´t have all the stage fx, as the venue isn´t open air and a lot smaller than a stadium, but they´ve brought everything. All the flamethrowers, giant stew pan, costumes, boat, lights, flares, paper cannons, smokes, etc... actually, the only thing that they didn´t bring were the keyboard Segway and the hot backing vocals girls from Russia.
Saw them a few months back headlining a festival, that was by far the best show I've seen. Flamethrowers, missile launchers, industrial super interactive backdrops, great sound, great crowd, everything.

I took my small peruvian girlfriend along, she got scared for a bit when everyone was marching links 2 3 4 with the massive german flag haha.
when i saw them what impressed me the most was not really the show but the SOUND that they had live!!