Went Vinyl shopping.

I don't hear any nuances in his drums, you might as well program them.

That's pretty much what he does. He edits the shit out of live drums and throws those nasty ass samples over them so that it may as well be a robot playing. For Nevermore Sneap's sterile as balls production works because they are a very technical band, but I don't want that same production on like a Sleep album.
$50 including shipping?

Hmm I didn't think you'd actually be willing to pay that haha. I also have Ghost Reveries on vinyl too.

Also, I see re-released versions of POE going on ebay for more than $50, and mine's an original... maybe I shouldn't sell it yet!
still have that sanctuary guitar, william?

well, from what i remember, he had two Axtra Custom Styluses (Stylis) ((*STY-lees*?!?!)) made, one with the Into the MIrror Black cover, one didn't. I have the one without... but it was used to record all of Dreaming Neon Black, minus the acoustic parts (obviously)... so... FUCK YEAH! I'm not getting rid of a signed and personalized guitar that was used to record one of the greatest albums ever.

fuck yeah, White Zinfandel. omgz. this bottle was 5.99 and it's doing a splendid goddamn job ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I was just told that I go on at Powerfest at 6:05, and I need to be there at 3:30. GO AWAY, WHITE Z!

(this is Bozarth, by the way)
Will have you ever posted a pic of that guitar? I think I recall you have but I can't remember it. I wanna see that shit!

there's a pic of Jeff playing it, a note, some strings, a pick

edit: i mus thav eimagined a pick.

oh yeah. there's a pick that came with the Steve SMyth - I, Voyager video BC Rcih. owops. i shouldn;t have posted that. he told me not to tell anyone he sold that to mne. fuck seve smhth