It's a Warwick Rockbass.Tauredil said:I've started playing bass because of Steve Harris. Iron Maiden was the band that made me listen to metal. That's perhaps I always liked the bands in which you can clearly hear the bass. In the other bands, there's something missing.
Btw, there are many bassplayer better than Harris (even if he has an incredible right hand) but ... he is the man!
I really like Micke's sound. What bass and amp does he use?
I think Ronnie used a Rockbass (or perhaps a warwick) during the metallian tour

I also had another Warwick with me but that bass didn't work properly...I have now idea why though.
My favorite bassplayers are btw:
Steve Harris
Markus Grosskopf
Timi Hansen
Hal Patino
Sharleé D'angelo