
spike lee is a person i could guiltlessly kill with my own hands if i knew i wouldn't get caught. he wins all these "black image" awards and is revered as a great black American, when in reality he's exploiting black people, keeping black people poor and cementing stereotypes and, therefore, racist beliefs. fucking asshole.

same thing with louis farrakhan. and his lackies in suits that stand at the intersection near my work passing out anti-white literature AND BEAN PIES to all the black people and who look at me and keep walking, thinking that i'm just a little white bitch trying to keep them down...all the while passing off their racist propaganda as legitimate islamic principles. hmmm...sound familiar to something else in the news recently?

i wouldn't be surprised if farrakhan and bin laden are a team. :mad:

by the way, satori, your cher rant was hysterical and so true. :lol:
Seventh Heaven tries to make that family look like the "ideal parents that handle all the situations correctly" type people. I actually watch that show because that family is so twisted (yeah yeah make fun of me) They sent their oldest daughter out of the house because she drank some beer and smoked some weed, Give me a fucking break and loosen up some. And then they try to preach christianity to you also, it's like "You can't forgive this guy, but god can forgive him and that's good enough" omfggg I hate that family!

I think i'd have to slap all the jerks at my school that enjoy making life miserable for the less popular people. I get so pissed off when the airheaded football players make fun of people that are different than them. Like this kid in my art class who wears clothes that are like.. I don't see anything bad about them but they aren't "cool" ya know, and he has glasses and so the football players in my art class always say to him "Hey man what's up, how's it going cool guy?" and sarcastic stuff like that. He just says fuck off and walks by, then they'll go up to him and start making fun of whatever he's drawing, which of course is very good compared to the shitty drawings they make.

Then there's this overweight kid who is all into anime, japanese stuff, and videogames (I'm not into much of that but I see nothing wrong with it, I like some anime and I like videogames) So this kid doesn't really do anything to them, but he really can't handle them making fun of him, like he doesn't say the right thing to get them to stop, I guess he makes it fun for them. They always make fun of him no matter what he does and one day I saw all his textbooks in the toilet... I just can't see why anyone would find it necesarry to torment people that will probably end up being more successful than their drunken, beer-belly, minimum-wage selves will be, I hope all those dumbass jocks are working for that kid when they get out of school.
Don't even get me started on the "people I hate" topic. I could be sitting here for a very long time trying to list all of them. I despise about three quarters of humanity at any given time. I wouldn't, however, go around slapping them. I would get very little personal gratification from that. Instead, I would like to spend at least 20 to 30 minutes on each person, you know, leave a mark, something that will last. I mean, you slap somebody and what happens? They forget about in half a minute. Gauge somebody's eyes out, while you're manually modifying their digestive system and they will remember you for years to come. Of course you have to be good, because you don't want to kill the person you just want them to know how much you appreciate their personality. Yeah there are a lot of people I wouldn't mind getting my hands on. All of them teen idols, and so-called entertainers as well as other role models. And then there are those who do not live in the public eye. The ones who do not require that I have a television set in order to enjoy their presence. These are the people that live in my own general environment, and who are no better or worse than me, but somehow have this illusion that they are unique, special and better than any other human, except for the few that they worship and one day hope to become. This breed of fuckers is by far the most annoying of all, and they should be dealt with swiftly (there is too fucking many of them to allow 15 minutes per each one). So, a few genocides here and there would (I would hope) rid the planet of these idol-worshiping parasites. By now anyone who happens to be reading this is probably think that I must be very disturbed, or just full of shit. Well, I am not disturbed. I am simply being brutally honest. And please keep in mind that this here is a censored version of what I really had to say. About a half way through I decided that I should perhaps be a little more considerate of my fellow metal heads.
that was great, despot. i agree totally. i've often thought of keeping a list of the many types of people that i would love to kill and why, but then i realized that would make me REALLY, REALLY, REALLY pathetic. :p :lol: but it would cover way more than 3/4, as you said. basically, i can't go anywhere without getting infuriated by EVERYONE'S stupidity. it amazes me society functions as well as it does, given that 95 percent of people are functionally retarded, in my book.
Alright, here we go. Personal aquaintances aside, the people from whom I would derive profound joy, via my bitch-slapping of them, include... (oh, what the hell, let's categorize)


Every white guy wearing FUBU. "No, no thats stand for 'for them, by them', you ignorant reverse-discrimination supporting dolt." WHACK!

Calvin Klien. I'm tired of looking at underage heroin addicts, thanks. WHACK!

Phil Knight and Nike corp, for utilizing disgusting labour practises to cheaply produce a product blindly snapped up by pathetic consumerist zombies, brainwashed by the modern propaganda machine that is the television into believing that without said product, they will not be "cool", and the misfortunate individuals who propagate these attitudes. WHACK!


The entertainment industry, for providing the public with a low-quality but corporate-sponsored pubic alternative to art. WHACK!

Fred Durst. 'Nuff said. WHACK! (and the many crappy pop "artists" like him)


Stockwell Day, just 'cause he's an idiot. WHACK!

General Social Issues and Ideologies

Anyone who's ever justified, conspired in, or taken part of the killing of a doctor under the banner of "Pro Life". WHACK!

Teenage males who require deliquent attitudes, chest-beating physical confrontation, needless harassment of innocents, car stereos with a sufficient degree of bass to disrupt heart patterns, general pompousness, and horrifically phoney public displays (I can't sit with my legs crossed without it hurting because my obviously massive genitals are in the way") to compensate for the actual size their penises. WHACK!

Some Obvious Targets

Killers, Rapists, Child Molestors, and other sick violent fucks. Special mention goes out to Clifford Olsen, and the terrorist men of the hour. WHACK!

Finally, the televangelists and right-wing fundamentalists.

Creflo A. Dollar. WHACK!
Jerry Falwell. WHACK!
Oral Roberts. WHACK!
Jimmy Swaggart. WHACK!
Pat Robertson. WHACK!

I could go on...
I'd like to whack my brother for being married, having a kid, getting divorced, meeting a new girl, having a kid, getting married - all the while going broke because these marriages were/are destined for failure, and the kid gets screwed in all of this [but I still love my brother].

Another major whack to the media - they basically prove the western world is based in greed, not morality.

Other whacks to:
Lars Ulrich - so I still hold a grudge re:Napster
Every artist who goes in/out of rehab (ie. James Hetfield, the N'sync guy, Maria Carey) and I'm forced to find out about it - thanks media. Who gives a shit - I have plenty of real life experiences that are worse, but the world doesn't share my grief.
Hostess - I just bought some whoopie pies, and the box says just like the original. Well, when a put one in my hand, it looked like a quarter. My recollection as a kid was they were as big as my kid hand. So, whack to the corporate liars who sell sell sell with crap.
Boxing - what happened to the Ali/Frazier, Hagler/Leonard days?
TV marketing - why must I continue to suffer through painful ads?
Every artist who goes in/out of rehab (ie. James Hetfield

i dont ever really remember james being in rehab i think this is hes first time he was never on drugs ( stuff like coke lsd and weed those kinda drugs) like cliff kirk and lars. he did drink a lot but he quite like 3 or 4 years ago, without going into rehab i believe. now i dont think he got back on the alcohol i dont see y he would do it but i think the reason y he went into to rehab was because he may havebeen to dependat on pain reliever because if ya know last year on tour he ruptured a disc in his back during a jet ski accident and well before every show they woud drug him up pretty good so he could play
I always had a softspot for used car commercials where the guy screams at the top of his lungs and the volume doubles suddenly, I especially like it when they boast that they will sell you a car even if you have bad credit or no credit.

:lol: that is so true! :grin:
I dislike too many people to write down, so here's a selection of those that really stand out :

ALL Televangelists
ALL Religious fundamentalists
ALL People who pretend they're religious, but really are not.
ALL Teenyboppers / Wideboys (People who think they are "cool" purely because of their material possessions.)
ALL Large corporations for putting greed before the environment / humanity in general.

And on a less serious note :

Fred Durst for existing.
The creators of Pokemon for brainwashing thousands of children (including my brother) into buying massive amounts of shit with Pikachu on it.
Ikea for making crap furniture (The chair I'm sitting on is falling apart...ARGH.)
The www.musicianforums.com community, for all liking Mudvayne and Limp Bizkit.
And I always thought Ikea was genuine Swedish quality...?
I wonder if Mikael and co. have ever gone shopping or bought something from Ikea :D

`This is a good sturdy crate that will hold our gear together!'
`Aye Mikael'
-Opethian nods exchanged-
Mikael cannot afford to pay the bill so he plays a short gig for the Ikea people in the storage section of the store. The crowd goes bananas and Opeth shoot to #1 on the Swedish charts, followed by the American charts and all other charts. Opeth dominate the world music scene and conquer the world with a level of mass merchandising never witnessed before, complete with plastic Opeth hats, figurines and drinking straws.
Yeah, that's right... and then everyone on this board will form a new world government and rule the world. (we will be overthrown by disgruntled Limp Bizkit fans and nuclear war will ruin the planet, then aliens will find our remains and think Limp Bizkit who destroyed an entire planet is an evil Dietey that should be feared, and Opeth are the gods of the universe)
I would Smack!...

Aaron Lewis(staind)
Blink 182 and crew, besides their drummer.
The rest of the obvious mallcore scene, pop scene.
Maury Povich
All the people who wear stupid shirts that say something like "Hot Stuff", "Hottie", "Cute 1" on them. How pathetic are they?

Yeah, and pretty much everything else listed in this thread.
Originally posted by Oyo
Seventh Heaven tries to make that family look like the "ideal parents that handle all the situations correctly" type people. I actually watch that show because that family is so twisted (yeah yeah make fun of me) They sent their oldest daughter out of the house because she drank some beer and smoked some weed, Give me a fucking break and loosen up some. And then they try to preach christianity to you also, it's like "You can't forgive this guy, but god can forgive him and that's good enough" omfggg I hate that family!

I feel your pain. I'm convinced this show is a knock-off of the Brady Bunch, which, in case you haven't watched it recently, is so much like Seventh Heaven that they produce the same flavour of bile.

Lina and (mostly) Despot:

For what it's worth...

Originally posted by Lina
that was great, despot. i agree totally. i've often thought of keeping a list of the many types of people that i would love to kill and why, but then i realized that would make me REALLY, REALLY, REALLY pathetic. :p :lol: but it would cover way more than 3/4, as you said. basically, i can't go anywhere without getting infuriated by EVERYONE'S stupidity. it amazes me society functions as well as it does, given that 95 percent of people are functionally retarded, in my book.

That being the case, wouldn't it be easier to accept them for the silly fucks that they are?

Look at it this way, when a dog shits in the carpet we get mad, but deep down we know it's just a dumb dog (by design) and that it can't help what it is, it sometimes can't help shitting on the carpet. Same thing like a kid peeing in bed, or a bird shitting on your car.

I feel that lowering one's expectations of others goes a long way in reducing our own burden of disgust towards them. Of course, this is particularly relevent is the disgust impedes the enjoyment of your life, and I'm wondering if it is for some of us here.



PS: Hoser, I suggest you take down Stockwell, and then plead insanity by saying the devil told you to do it. Just think of the satisfaction you'll get from it, and the nods of approval from your fellow canucks. I feel that anyone who attempts to mix religion into politics must be stopped at any cost cuz the result is never good. Fuck organized religion. Amen.
I was standing in line at Business Depot today and some fucking whore just totally cut into the head of the line and proceeded to empty her basket of purchases on the cashier's counter. Tsk, tsk, some people's kid's.

At first I was pissed and I was going to say something, but then I thought, it's not worth it, she's a stupid unenlightened primate and I feel sorry for her in a way.

Egocentricity leads to personal pyschological suffering and unfufillment. She's just fucked up, she doesn't "get it", she's an idiot.

The stupid/ignorant need our pity I think, so instead of causing a scene I silently pitied her in full knowledge that her life is painful enough for her already (I'm sure about this). Now, in retrospect, I favour this decision even more, even though at the time I would've much preferred to stick my foot up her tight ass. I feel better about myself when I base my actions according to compassion instead of anger, and I wish everyone else did as well. I can dream, can't I?

Originally posted by Satori
I was standing in line at Business Depot today and some fucking whore proceeded to piss on the cashier's counter. I was going to say something, but then I thought, it's not worth it, She's just fucked up, even though at the time I stick my foot up her tight ass. Satori
Oh, stop!! Now I'm going to have to go and change my pants again.