Originally posted by Satori That being the case, wouldn't it be easier to accept them for the silly fucks that they are?
Look at it this way, when a dog shits in the carpet we get mad, but deep down we know it's just a dumb dog (by design) and that it can't help what it is, it sometimes can't help shitting on the carpet. Same thing like a kid peeing in bed, or a bird shitting on your car.
I feel that lowering one's expectations of others goes a long way in reducing our own burden of disgust towards them. Of course, this is particularly relevent is the disgust impedes the enjoyment of your life, and I'm wondering if it is for some of us here.
i see that luke is back in his psychologist (porn director) mode, but i'm going to attempt to respond.
my rebuttal to the dog analogy is this: you put up with the dog's pooping because i assume you get enjoyment from the dog in another way (shut up, luke). i.e., you enjoy playing/cuddling with it or something. if ALL the dog did was continually poop on your carpet every single time you saw it, as you were running late for work and didn't have time to clean it up -- YOU WOULD HATE THE DOG. YOU WOULD GET RID OF THE DOG.
your analogy works for the people who walk around
looking retarded (the goth kids, the baby-doll-T girls, the sorority girls, the whitehats, the black panthers, the fake metal posers, etc.). and i take your advice -- i think they look like retards and i lament their births, but i can still sleep at night.
it's the ones who GET IN MY WAY that i can't stand. and this is where my location comes into play. i live in a poor, almost-entirely black area. there is a huge difference between being black and being GHETTO, let me say that first. black people don't like ghetto people either (because the latter are holding the former back).
if none of y'all have been to the ghetto in recent years, let me explain it. it is SHOCKING the level of attitude, the lack of manners, the lack of just being able to FUNCTION that is prevalent. you can't order at a restaurant without waiting for 6 hours and then getting the wrong meal and never seeing the waitress again. you can't look at people at stoplights at night without fear of being shot. you can't go to a movie at the local theater without fear of being jumped. i can no longer walk into my house calmly since my boyfriend was carjacked and robbed this summer right in front of it (and i live in a "good" neighborhood). i can't deposit my check at the bank in under an hour because the line is 20 people deep and the tellers are playing with each other and taking breaks rather than working. (actually, this goes for ALL places that involve lines). i can't go to my local blockbuster because the videos are completely out of order and ON THE FLOOR, while the employees just stand around. the same is true of local clothing stores -- it's hard to look for your size on the floor. the list goes on and on. and the cycle will continue to repeat itself because all the teenage girls get pregnant, ensuring their children won't be raised any better than them. all the while,
I somehow get blamed for keeping
them down, so they treat me with a little extra kick of indignance. got the picture?
and then when i leave my immediate surroundings for a whiter place, say, to go to school, i hate all of them too.

but those are for the reason that they just generally look and act stupid in ways other people have described. i especially love when the white boys drive by in their fancy cars with their windows rolled down, blaring RAP music, when they've probably never spent a minute of their life hoping they won't get shot by the same people they're revering. it's all very disgusting. but i suppose these people don't really
get in my way, as you differentiated.
so i can't stand the ghetto people, i can't stand the white people, i just basically can't stand anyone. i wish i could. like, i'll meet someone who seems cool in every other way but then i'll find out she's religious -- which, as we know, covers at least 90 percent of people here in the US -- and i lose all respect for her. and i LOVE politics and work in politics, but that also means i'm exposed to all the rhetoric and brainwashing that most people are too uninformed to see through, so that makes me angry too. so basically, i'm angry everywhere i go. i know you'll all think i have mental problems, and no doubt i do. and i too wish i could be less discerning. but it's one of those things that you can't go backwards and change -- i think you're just sort of born with it. i TRY to just relax, chill out, tune it out, but in the end i can't.
anyway, sorry for the novel. now everyone thinks i'm crazy. but you still love me, right, satori?
at least this board gives me some joy.