
Without a doubt, Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas needs a good hard bitch slap, this guy is such a fuck. (for lack of a better word)
Originally posted by Satori That being the case, wouldn't it be easier to accept them for the silly fucks that they are?

Look at it this way, when a dog shits in the carpet we get mad, but deep down we know it's just a dumb dog (by design) and that it can't help what it is, it sometimes can't help shitting on the carpet. Same thing like a kid peeing in bed, or a bird shitting on your car.

I feel that lowering one's expectations of others goes a long way in reducing our own burden of disgust towards them. Of course, this is particularly relevent is the disgust impedes the enjoyment of your life, and I'm wondering if it is for some of us here.


i see that luke is back in his psychologist (porn director) mode, but i'm going to attempt to respond.

my rebuttal to the dog analogy is this: you put up with the dog's pooping because i assume you get enjoyment from the dog in another way (shut up, luke). i.e., you enjoy playing/cuddling with it or something. if ALL the dog did was continually poop on your carpet every single time you saw it, as you were running late for work and didn't have time to clean it up -- YOU WOULD HATE THE DOG. YOU WOULD GET RID OF THE DOG.

your analogy works for the people who walk around looking retarded (the goth kids, the baby-doll-T girls, the sorority girls, the whitehats, the black panthers, the fake metal posers, etc.). and i take your advice -- i think they look like retards and i lament their births, but i can still sleep at night.

it's the ones who GET IN MY WAY that i can't stand. and this is where my location comes into play. i live in a poor, almost-entirely black area. there is a huge difference between being black and being GHETTO, let me say that first. black people don't like ghetto people either (because the latter are holding the former back).

if none of y'all have been to the ghetto in recent years, let me explain it. it is SHOCKING the level of attitude, the lack of manners, the lack of just being able to FUNCTION that is prevalent. you can't order at a restaurant without waiting for 6 hours and then getting the wrong meal and never seeing the waitress again. you can't look at people at stoplights at night without fear of being shot. you can't go to a movie at the local theater without fear of being jumped. i can no longer walk into my house calmly since my boyfriend was carjacked and robbed this summer right in front of it (and i live in a "good" neighborhood). i can't deposit my check at the bank in under an hour because the line is 20 people deep and the tellers are playing with each other and taking breaks rather than working. (actually, this goes for ALL places that involve lines). i can't go to my local blockbuster because the videos are completely out of order and ON THE FLOOR, while the employees just stand around. the same is true of local clothing stores -- it's hard to look for your size on the floor. the list goes on and on. and the cycle will continue to repeat itself because all the teenage girls get pregnant, ensuring their children won't be raised any better than them. all the while, I somehow get blamed for keeping them down, so they treat me with a little extra kick of indignance. got the picture?

and then when i leave my immediate surroundings for a whiter place, say, to go to school, i hate all of them too. :p but those are for the reason that they just generally look and act stupid in ways other people have described. i especially love when the white boys drive by in their fancy cars with their windows rolled down, blaring RAP music, when they've probably never spent a minute of their life hoping they won't get shot by the same people they're revering. it's all very disgusting. but i suppose these people don't really get in my way, as you differentiated.

so i can't stand the ghetto people, i can't stand the white people, i just basically can't stand anyone. i wish i could. like, i'll meet someone who seems cool in every other way but then i'll find out she's religious -- which, as we know, covers at least 90 percent of people here in the US -- and i lose all respect for her. and i LOVE politics and work in politics, but that also means i'm exposed to all the rhetoric and brainwashing that most people are too uninformed to see through, so that makes me angry too. so basically, i'm angry everywhere i go. i know you'll all think i have mental problems, and no doubt i do. and i too wish i could be less discerning. but it's one of those things that you can't go backwards and change -- i think you're just sort of born with it. i TRY to just relax, chill out, tune it out, but in the end i can't.

anyway, sorry for the novel. now everyone thinks i'm crazy. but you still love me, right, satori? :lol:

at least this board gives me some joy.
Wow Lina, that is some sad shit. I had no idea you were living in such extreme circumstances. If I were you, I'd probably feel the same way.

I'm orginally from a very small place where everyone is pretty good to everyone else. For example, a clerk in the grocery store will offer to help someone carry their groceries to their car if the person looks unable to do it themselves. When stopped a red light which turns green, it's customary and somewhat expected for the person who is going straight to wave the people turning left through the intersection. No one ever cuts in front of anyone else in lines. Complete strangers make small-talk in the streets, or at the very least say hi or g'day. If you are standing in line and you need a few cents in order to not break another bill, the person behind you will give it to you. If your car breaks down on the road, only a few cars will go by until someone stops to give you as much help as they can. If you are struggling carrying a heavy bag through the airport, you will be asked repeatedly by strangers and the personnel if you need help. We never locked our doors at night or when we left the apartment. I could go on and on about the absolutely genuine good-will of Newfies, something one doesn't appreciate when they live there cuz they just take it for granted.

When I came to Toronto, I was in a state of culture shock and dispair that the people aren't as nice here, but it's nothing compared to what you are describing. Had I moved to your neck of the woods, I probably would've died of depression at how messed everything is.

It sounds to me like you need to find a new home. I'm sorry you have to live under those conditions. It's hard to turn the other cheek when you are fearing for your life.

I just got back from lunch and we were discussing with a black girl and an indian guy how fucked up the states is in regard to racial tension. It was so bad for them they moved here and they feel they are treated better here than they were in their home countries, dispite their colour and accents (and this is the largest city in Canada). It's good to hear stuff like that. There are idiots here too, but most people are pretty descent and friendly. The majority of the racial tension we have here comes from immigrants, for example, the vietimese hate the koreans, the asians and italians hate blacks, the polish hate the italians, etc. .. but those who are born here, regardless of where their parents came from, turn out to be quite tolerent of others. It's just the way it is here culturally.

I guess it's easy for me to say that it's better to be ruled by compassion for others when the people I live around and work with are all so damn nice to one another dispite our differences in colour/culture. For me, some chick cutting in line makes my blood boil, I guess this is an indication of how "spoiled" I am, I actually expect others to be nice to everyone else all the time, and usually that expectation is met. After hearing what you said, and after the conversation I took part in today at lunch, I am more aware of how lucky I am to live where I live and I will try to never take that for granted again. I guess I'm just a product of my environment(s) like everyone is.

I think you should move though. Life is too short for that crap. Whatever it takes to get the fuck out of there, it's worth it, seriously. Also, I don't blame you for being pissed, if I were you I'd be pissed too. Same for Despot.

I'm confident that in you (and Despot) there is a really loving and compassionate person, but you simply can't be that person all the time cuz you are surrounded by shit. That sucks. Move as soon as you can, it doesn't sound like a healthy situation.

i was afraid i would regret that post. while all of it is true, it makes it sound like i pity myself and live in complete poverty, which isn't the case.

there are two suburban counties in maryland that border DC, a rich one and a poor one. obviously i'm in the poor one (which still includes $500,000 homes and six-digit salaries -- it's just an expensive place to live). and even in this poor one, there are pockets of beautiful, leafy, up-until-recently-safe little towns. this poor county has the highest percentage of rich blacks of any county in the country, interestingly enough. like i told satori once before, i actually went to the university of wisconsin for my first year and HATED being surrounded by only white people...i really missed the diversity and culture of this area.

but obviously, this county also has a very large number of poor people, and it's hard to do anything without that being part of the equation, as i described in my previous post.

yes, the obvious rebuttal to my whining is "well, move then." well, a one-bedroom apartment in the other suburban county costs $2,000/month, compared to *only* $1,000 here. and if you want to stay close to the jobs and entertainment that DC provides, you have to choose between one of these counties. and because i'm heading toward a career in public policy, i will most likely be working in DC. but yes, i've thought of moving farther out (thanks to suburban sprawl), but shit, that's a long commute.

so i don't know what the answer is. being exposed to all of this growing up was just invaluable -- i would never send my kids to private school, where everyone is white and rich. and i probably wouldn't care so much about politics if i didn't see something right in front of me that i want to change for the better.

here's a funny story -- over the summer, i had some norwegian relatives visit me, and of course they were worried about safety, norway being the utopia that it is. :) and i'd just finished convincing them that the violence is in avoidable pockets, when a teenager began showing off his gun on the metro. kinda funny. ahhh...gotta love our *right* to bear arms. :bah:
your not the only one that lives in the ghetto lina i do too i live in the damn ghetto of chicago im like the only whit person at school almost it sucks it pisses me off i know how they are today some tard kept on makin fun of me cuz i wore "tight" pants all he said was u got tight pants and then would laugh its sad to know that he doesnt know hes makin such a fool out of himself but ghetto people do suck much ass a lot of people dont understand how fuckin bad it sucks to live with them they couldnt comprhend what its like until they experience it they say well id rather live with them then all these preps thats not true preps suck ass yes yes i hate them too bu not as much as these damn ghetto people i hate everyone
uhhh...thanks for sympathizing, but i have no problem living with black people...like i said, i lived with all white people and hated that. a lack of education in any race is ugly.
Lina, I'm going to have to dispute you on the that one...
Lack of education is not really the problem. The problem is the propagation of prejudice and self-righteousness. The inablity to read or do advanced calculus does not inhibit one's capacity for kindness.

In fact it could be argued conversely that certain forms of 'education' are what produces the maladies you are so familiar with. After all, every human is born as a blank slate.
Originally posted by Lina
i see that luke is back in his psychologist (porn director) mode, but i'm going to attempt to respond.

my rebuttal to the dog analogy is this: you put up with the dog's pooping because i assume you get enjoyment from the dog in another way (shut up, luke). i.e., you enjoy playing/cuddling with it or something. if ALL the dog did was continually poop on your carpet every single time you saw it, as you were running late for work and didn't have time to clean it up -- YOU WOULD HATE THE DOG. YOU WOULD GET RID OF THE DOG.

your analogy works for the people who walk around looking retarded (the goth kids, the baby-doll-T girls, the sorority girls, the whitehats, the black panthers, the fake metal posers, etc.). and i take your advice -- i think they look like retards and i lament their births, but i can still sleep at night.

it's the ones who GET IN MY WAY that i can't stand. and this is where my location comes into play. i live in a poor, almost-entirely black area. there is a huge difference between being black and being GHETTO, let me say that first. black people don't like ghetto people either (because the latter are holding the former back).

if none of y'all have been to the ghetto in recent years, let me explain it. it is SHOCKING the level of attitude, the lack of manners, the lack of just being able to FUNCTION that is prevalent. you can't order at a restaurant without waiting for 6 hours and then getting the wrong meal and never seeing the waitress again. you can't look at people at stoplights at night without fear of being shot. you can't go to a movie at the local theater without fear of being jumped. i can no longer walk into my house calmly since my boyfriend was carjacked and robbed this summer right in front of it (and i live in a "good" neighborhood). i can't deposit my check at the bank in under an hour because the line is 20 people deep and the tellers are playing with each other and taking breaks rather than working. (actually, this goes for ALL places that involve lines). i can't go to my local blockbuster because the videos are completely out of order and ON THE FLOOR, while the employees just stand around. the same is true of local clothing stores -- it's hard to look for your size on the floor. the list goes on and on. and the cycle will continue to repeat itself because all the teenage girls get pregnant, ensuring their children won't be raised any better than them. all the while, I somehow get blamed for keeping them down, so they treat me with a little extra kick of indignance. got the picture?

and then when i leave my immediate surroundings for a whiter place, say, to go to school, i hate all of them too. :p but those are for the reason that they just generally look and act stupid in ways other people have described. i especially love when the white boys drive by in their fancy cars with their windows rolled down, blaring RAP music, when they've probably never spent a minute of their life hoping they won't get shot by the same people they're revering. it's all very disgusting. but i suppose these people don't really get in my way, as you differentiated.

so i can't stand the ghetto people, i can't stand the white people, i just basically can't stand anyone. i wish i could. like, i'll meet someone who seems cool in every other way but then i'll find out she's religious -- which, as we know, covers at least 90 percent of people here in the US -- and i lose all respect for her. and i LOVE politics and work in politics, but that also means i'm exposed to all the rhetoric and brainwashing that most people are too uninformed to see through, so that makes me angry too. so basically, i'm angry everywhere i go. i know you'll all think i have mental problems, and no doubt i do. and i too wish i could be less discerning. but it's one of those things that you can't go backwards and change -- i think you're just sort of born with it. i TRY to just relax, chill out, tune it out, but in the end i can't.

anyway, sorry for the novel. now everyone thinks i'm crazy. but you still love me, right, satori? :lol:

at least this board gives me some joy.

Move to California. You'll get some love here...
Originally posted by luke
Lina, I'm going to have to dispute you on the that one...
Lack of education is not really the problem.
you're right, that was a cliche. i was just a little skeptical of the tone of cladindarkness' comments -- they sounded a tad racist, and i didn't want to be lumped in with that, so i replied hastily. ambivalence toward education is just one of the many symptoms of poverty.

Originally posted by luke
The problem is the propagation of prejudice and self-righteousness. The inablity to read or do advanced calculus does not inhibit one's capacity for kindness.
here's what i think you're saying: that people act rude because they're in no mood to be polite after being held down by prejudice. is that right?

i think that view is a bit simplistic. the ghetto folk around here don't seem to have much contact with other races. everything is majority-black -- the government, the schools, the businesses, etc. like i said, there are fabulously wealthy black communities in this county, too. it's not like there are no role models and that these poor black children have no hope of ever achieving because "it's a white world." the politicians are black, the cops are black, the teachers are black, big brother is literally a "brotha." :)

instead, i think at this point in time that many blacks are holding themselves back, by revering people that exploit them and create/enforce stereotypes (i.e. spike lee, nearly all rappers, steve harvey, d.l. hughley), rather than praising and encouraging positive black role models (william raspberry, ruth simmons, jocelyn elders). it's black kids shooting other black kids. it's black kids teasing other black kids for "acting white" when one of them tries hard in school or achieves.

i know everyone likes to think blaming music for anything is just a scapegoat used by conservatives, but i cannot emphasize enough how detrimental i think gangster rap has been for black society. it's got every middle-class black kid pretending to be poor. all these parents who worked so hard to pull themselves up out of poverty are now losing their kids to the negative images of blacks on tv and in music.

i would never say that completely equal race-blind opportunity exists in this country. however, i think a lot of opportunities have been squandered by black people themselves. if dark-skinned immigrants can come to this country without speaking a word of english and become successful, then there's no reason black people can't.

many black people don't succeed because the desire and will to achieve has been sucked from their families and their society through a cycle of bullshit. the origin of all that bullshit was definitely racism, but as the years pass, self-victimization is the key.

so, getting back to the point -- the origin of bad manners -- of course they have no manners when their parents (i should say, single mom) are rude. and i can only assume the mother has no manners because SHE was never taught any. and this obviously is a symptom of being poor -- why? i guess because a person isn't worried about manners when they don't know where their next meal will come from. (however, even this i don't understand. it seems one's life would flow more smoothly if everyone was nice to each other.) but i don't remember people being this rude to the point of *not functioning* until just the last few years. i don't know if it's gotten worse, or if i'm just old enough to realize it.

well, we know what gets satori fired up. now, you know what does it for me. :rolleyes:

ps -- oh, and thanks wolff. ;)

everyone keeps pressing "quote" to respond to my post, which adds like 10 pages to this thread. lol.
ahh, now you too Lina?

The cracks of prejudice start to show through your lovely liberal facade. I don't have a lot of time to break your post down because I have to run off to teach a lesson in a few minutes, but I'll give you the new couple of hours to rethink your post... don't want you to have to retract anything that was said hastily. (ie: positive black role models, single mums, poverty=incompetence)

Don't you wish I was just trying to turn your posts into 'Letters to the Forum' again?:grin:
"here's what i think you're saying: that people act rude because they're in no mood to be polite after being held down by prejudice. is that right?

i think that view is a bit simplistic. the ghetto folk around here don't seem to have much contact with other races. everything is majority-black -- the government, the schools, the businesses, etc. like i said, there are fabulously wealthy black communities in this county, too. it's not like there are no role models and that these poor black children have no hope of ever achieving because "it's a white world." the politicians are black, the cops are black, the teachers are black, big brother is literally a "brotha."

instead, i think at this point in time that many blacks are holding themselves back, by revering people that exploit them and create/enforce stereotypes (i.e. spike lee, nearly all rappers, steve harvey, d.l. hughley), rather than praising and encouraging positive black role models (william raspberry, ruth simmons, jocelyn elders). it's black kids shooting other black kids. it's black kids teasing other black kids for "acting white" when one of them tries hard in school or achieves.

i know everyone likes to think blaming music for anything is just a scapegoat used by conservatives, but i cannot emphasize enough how detrimental i think gangster rap has been for black society. it's got every middle-class black kid pretending to be poor. all these parents who worked so hard to pull themselves up out of poverty are now losing their kids to the negative images of blacks on tv and in music.

i would never say that completely equal race-blind opportunity exists in this country. however, i think a lot of opportunities have been squandered by black people themselves. if dark-skinned immigrants can come to this country without speaking a word of english and become successful, then there's no reason black people can't.

many black people don't succeed because the desire and will to achieve has been sucked from their families and their society through a cycle of bullshit. the origin of all that bullshit was definitely racism, but as the years pass, self-victimization is the key.

so, getting back to the point -- the origin of bad manners -- of course they have no manners when their parents (i should say, single mom) are rude. and i can only assume the mother has no manners because SHE was never taught any. and this obviously is a symptom of being poor -- why? i guess because a person isn't worried about manners when they don't know where their next meal will come from. (however, even this i don't understand. it seems one's life would flow more smoothly if everyone was nice to each other.) but i don't remember people being this rude to the point of *not functioning* until just the last few years. i don't know if it's gotten worse, or if i'm just old enough to realize it.

well, we know what gets satori fired up. now, you know what does it for me.

ps -- oh, and thanks wolff.

everyone keeps pressing "quote" to respond to my post, which adds like 10 pages to this thread. lol."

it's a long thread. man
Originally posted by Centra
My girlfriend's mother who is a Jehova's Witness needs a powerful slap! Dumb bitch!!!

Yeeouch. Yea, they are pretty "out of it".

On that note, I was reading in a magazine the other day about the rights of Jehova's here in Canada. As you know, they can't accept blood and would rather die.

There was a case here recently where some parents insisted that they didn't want their baby girl to recieve a life-saving blood transfusion, condemning her to a early death before her life actually began.

The courts responded VERY quickly on this one since a life was in danger. A ruling was made, the parent's rights to custody were suspended, the girl became a child of the country, and she got her blood transfusion. Yeaaw!

Then a law was passed, which goes something like this. Parents have no right to force their religious beliefs on their children if those beliefs in any way put the children in any sort of danger.

The same law applies to those Church of God Mormon freaks who insist on ritualized punishment with a stick, rod, or belt. These idiots, the courts ruled, have no right to force their beliefs on their children since hitting the kid actually does physical/psychological harm, this after a Mormon website advocated beating children as young as 10 months old with sticks or belts. Fucking freaks.

I'm happy that good old morality and ethics has prevailed over religious freedom. I wouldn't have it any other way. Fucking freaks.

Originally posted by luke
ahh, now you too Lina?

The cracks of prejudice start to show through your lovely liberal facade. I don't have a lot of time to break your post down because I have to run off to teach a lesson in a few minutes, but I'll give you the new couple of hours to rethink your post... don't want you to have to retract anything that was said hastily. (ie: positive black role models, single mums, poverty=incompetence)

Don't you wish I was just trying to turn your posts into 'Letters to the Forum' again?:grin:

Luke, in all seriousness (stepping out of character for a moment):

I don't agree with your suggestion that Lina is showing prejudice, I think she's just telling it like she sees it without too much regard for political correctness (aka "being honest").

Personally, I admire anyone who has the BALLS to tell it like they see it rather than perpetually hiding behind this facade of racial/cultural sensitivity, which is really just a filter applied as an afterthought to avoid offending people like you who seem to love to read things too literally and take them out of context.

The suggestion that Lina is prejudice is ridiculous, she obviously is not. Therefore, I think you have grossly misinterpreted her true intent and you are so blinded by your own desire to find something "wrong" with what she said that you are fabricating it in your own mind and pushing it on to her. Let's get a grip on reality here.

Lina, I humbly suggest that you don't defend yourself or your position to Luke or anyone. You don't need to defend yourself cuz you haven't said anything insensitive or out of line, and if you defend then that is like a partial admission that what you said require defending, which it does not. Just let this matter drop, it's not worth discussing.

I will take the same stance on this as well, and I will consider the matter closed.

Thanks for your input Satori...
but perhaps we have distilled different contexts from Lina's posts. I will hold that Lina dose bear a prejudice; one that I have felt at liberty to point out before, I might add. I agree with you about the race issue, she is calling the shots as she sees them.

As for poverty...
A repeating sub-theme in many of your posts, Lina, is your aversion to poverty, and those afflicted by it. Is someone's value limited only to the number on their bank statement? Have you not yet met any of the multitude of stupid rich fucks out there, or have you just been blinded by all the jewels they wear so you weren't able to see their true selves?
You claim misanthropy.... which is nothing more than the tranferance of self loathing.
Maybe you should try philanthropy... it may help you feel better about yourself.
I'm not assaulting your character here, so please don't be too deeply offended. I am suggesting that perhaps because of your particular circumstances it was easy for you to form your opinion biasedly because there was little evidence to refute your hastily drawn conclusions.

good night

N/P At the Gates: Nausea, oh sweet nausea:mad:
Originally posted by luke
ahh, now you too Lina?

The cracks of prejudice start to show through your lovely liberal facade. I don't have a lot of time to break your post down because I have to run off to teach a lesson in a few minutes, but I'll give you the new couple of hours to rethink your post... don't want you to have to retract anything that was said hastily. (ie: positive black role models, single mums, poverty=incompetence)

Don't you wish I was just trying to turn your posts into 'Letters to the Forum' again?:grin:
critiquing a race is not racism. i actually feel more comfortable around black people than white people, as i learned in wisconsin. it's laughable that someone on his tour of asia is telling me, someone who's lived in the ghetto for 22 years, that i'm racist. i don't have a single white friend who hasn't also been shaped by black culture -- i can't stand all the crackers with no frame of reference, like yourself.

in fact, it's funny -- when i hear white people from white areas critiquing black people, i write them off as racist, as you're doing to me. i figure they have had no exposure to blacks and are therefore basing their judgements on what they see on tv, which is obviously skewed. on the other hand, i know everything, inside and out, about black culture. it's shaped me, it's part of me, it's what i grew up with. i'm not allowed to talk about it because i'm white? that's ridiculous.

i take back absolutely nothing from my previous posts.
Originally posted by luke
Thanks for your input Satori...
but perhaps we have distilled different contexts from Lina's posts. I will hold that Lina dose bear a prejudice; one that I have felt at liberty to point out before, I might add. I agree with you about the race issue, she is calling the shots as she sees them.

As for poverty...
A repeating sub-theme in many of your posts, Lina, is your aversion to poverty, and those afflicted by it. Is someone's value limited only to the number on their bank statement? Have you not yet met any of the multitude of stupid rich fucks out there, or have you just been blinded by all the jewels they wear so you weren't able to see their true selves?
You claim misanthropy.... which is nothing more than the tranferance of self loathing.
Maybe you should try philanthropy... it may help you feel better about yourself.
I'm not assaulting your character here, so please don't be too deeply offended. I am suggesting that perhaps because of your particular circumstances it was easy for you to form your opinion biasedly because there was little evidence to refute your hastily drawn conclusions.
so you think poverty is a good thing? i don't understand your point. yes, poverty leads to few opportunities and bad judgment. it doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

i've never said i revere rich people -- in fact, i said the opposite -- that i would never want my child to be in that culture. i've stayed in this county as long as i have with the hope of raising my kids here (but the increase in crime is wearing me down).

poverty leads to a lack of education. by "a repeating sub-theme in many of your posts," you're referring to the ONE thread where i said creationism and the death penalty are third-world beliefs and you took so much offense. when people are poor, education is one of the first things to go. when education goes, the mind becomes prey for irrational thought -- be it killing someone with no attention paid to the consequences, or trusting in god to get you through your shitty life. (obviously rich people think this too -- but poor people have less to fall back on to resist these thoughts).

you seem to have this fantasy of poverty as everyone living free from the responsibilities that money brings -- everyone running around naked, growing their own vegetables, gathering around the fire for song night. the fact is, here in the West (maybe not so much in the poor countries you've traveled to) without money, you don't get an education. without money and the contacts and education it brings, you don't get a job. without a job, you don't get money. it's a repeating cycle. and without a job, you get disenchanted fathers who abandon their children, you get kids with no supervision who easily stray toward gangs and drugs in lieu of an allowance. maybe you've never lived in a poor area and have never felt the consequences of it.

sure, there are "nice" and "good" people in any economic strata. but i think you're going overboard with the political correctness to suggest living in poverty is just as good a lifestyle as any other.
Damn....you all should have turned all that into another thread...as far as smacks in the face go......I Believe he has been mentioned before and very deservedly....Fred Durst. If not for anything else, just for being so damn Annoying and in front of the whole world.
Let me see for some reason, probably for being annoying as well. I'd like to give a slap to the singer of Everclear.
And whoever put In God we Trust on our money
A few slaps to the face of Judge Judy....what a bitch :p .
Several more I am sure...oh yea the guitarist for Staind and that dumb ass jerky grove he does all the time no matter what rhythm he is playing. Hmmm those are just a few that have got to me the last few days.......Oh yea and anyone who doesn't like the brand new Slayer, God Hates us All. You are Fucking crazy, despite some of the members and their actions, the CD is Slayer and damn good Slayer if you ask me.
and i made that up too. :grin: ;)

luke, i want to apologize for my first defensive post, where i thought you were calling me racist. what i wrote was harsh -- warranted if you were calling me racist, but perhaps you weren't. we were writing at the same time, so our posts crossed. my apologies if i misunderstood you.