
I agree a 100% with Lina on the racism bullshit. The following segment of my post I will dedicate to clarifying certain issues when it comes to hatred.
We in the people hating business do not go around hating only certain groups of people. No, there is a very rigid screening process. For example, I will never hate or even dislike another human just because they are black, asian, or any other race. (this does not apply to muslims, but that's another story). BUT, if I see a guy of any color or nationality who is walking around and giving us all a peace of his ignorant mind, somehow convinced that his dick is bigger than mine, I kind of get offended. I say fuck you buddy; you're as worthless as I am. And of course there are those people who simply need to open their mouth in an attempt to appear intelligent, and they will with out a doubt pollute the environment with stupidity, that seems to be quite contagious.
And I know what people are going to say. They'll say, "Oh you're just an egoist" Well fuck yes, I'm an egoist!!! And you know why? Because the more I look at the morons that surround me the more I like myself.
I don't hate all people though . I kind of like my family, not too crazy about them though, I like my friends, and I like some of you on this message board. I am pretty content with my situation in life, and if I had the power to adjust and remove certain groups of individuals I think I would be the happiest man alive. Finally, I encourage all of you open your eyes, look around a bit and pretty soon you will discover a large assortment of people that you will want to dislike, and you will also want to inflict great physical and emotional pain onto them. And if you ever get a chance, please do so. Do it for me if not for yourself. Thank You.
Originally posted by Lina
what i wrote was harsh -- warranted if you were calling me racist, but perhaps you weren't my apologies if i misunderstood you.

Oh my god this is depressing...
I've got one American friend here who laughs at me all the time now because I can hardly get a sentence out without making a mistake, or taking a time out to look for the right word. And I'm a bloody English teacher, dammit! I've been going too hard with the Japanese getting ready for my big test. I don't think any apology is neccessary from your side, maybe I should reread my post to see what kind of nonsense I've been subjecting you to.
Honestly, it takes me so long to even write these fuckin things, looking for the right words and whatnot.

As for the poverty, you're right in that I haven't really been considering the position of those residing in industrialised nations. I guess I just resent the fact that when I read your posts I continuously interperet them as (no money=no brains) but it seems now that that wan't quite your message.

You still haven't made any comment in respect to the philanthropy thing though.... personally, I've been considering doing a couple years of volunteer work ever since a roommate I had in Taiwan planted a seed in my brain. Maybe after the war is finished in Afghanistan it would be a good place to start. But don't tell my mother. She'd freak.

Originally posted by Despot
Finally, I encourage all of you open your eyes, look around a bit and pretty soon you will discover a large assortment of people that you will want to dislike, and you will also want to inflict great physical and emotional pain onto them. And if you ever get a chance, please do so. Do it for me if not for yourself. Thank You.

I find this rather disturbing, but I appreciate your honesty very much. I think a lot of people think this way, but they are so intent on seeming politically correct that they cannot admit it. At least you have the balls to speak your mind, and that it admirable.

I must point out, I've NEVER had the urge to "inflict great physical and emotional pain" onto anyone. Of course, I am one of the lucky ones in this world who has never experienced much racial tension or lived in such cut-throat living conditions, I am a product of my environment. For example, there's maybe 15 people working for this company which employs me, we have a black, indian, pakistanian, russian, romainian, english, denmark guy, american, 2 chinese, korean, austrailian, and a handful of white canadians, and we all respect each other very much and get along great. I really don't get all this racial tension shit, well, I "get it", I just don't think it has to be that way. It seems kinda primitive or something, so much wasted energy put into hating others when we are all so much the same. I think it just starts with a particular group and then it spreads to everyone. Ignorance leads to fear and fear leads to ignorance, and everyone is unhappy.

Anyway, I'm happy in my almost complete ignorance of such things and I feel sorry for all those who live in such circumstances. I don't believe you have hate for others by design, I think you have learned it from your environment and from others. I know you are good people, you've just been dealt a shit hand in life. The only advice I can give is try not to let the hate consume you to the point where you are creating car bombs or something, and as soon as you can, move somewhere where people actually love and respect each other. This environment will rub off on you too, and you'll be much more content in life and with yourself too. I think that hating others makes you feel bad about yourself, at least it does for me anyway.


My smack list

Phil Anselmo
Lars Ulrich
George W.
My asshole roomate John
Quorthon, for never making a better song than Oden's Ride Over Nordland
all other nazi fucks
Will Rahmer and the Mortician Retards
Lars Ulrich
The girl down the hall who won't go out with me simply because I don't believe in god.
Lars Ulrich
Tom Araya/Kerry King/Hanneman
JAmes Hetfield
Devin Townsend (for not plaing in LA on a weekly basis!)
"true" black metallers who are close minded but yell about people being too close-minded to accept their music
Blink 182
Lars Ulrich
Black Metallers for slamming Grand Declaration of War because it's a)Technical b)Innovative c)Not a 2-track recording and d)no one died in the process of making this one
Dan Swano for making Odyssey only 3 songs long
Dan Swano for making Karaboudjan only 3 songs long
Krisiun for not being able to EVER get good drum sound
LArs Ulrich
satori, i don't think it's racial tension so much as economic tension. i have tons of friends of every color you could imagine. i bet all the people in your office have the same middle-class background as i'm assuming you do, so there's no bitterness felt by anyone. i mean, i'm sure in kentucky the rich white folks clash with the poor white folks. one thing that's interesting to watch in this area is how the rich blacks don't like the poor blacks -- don't want their children going to the same schools, for instance. it's fascinating to watch as an outsider -- to see rich blacks treating poor blacks the same way whites wanted them to be treated in the '60s...different "but equal" schools, etc. it's sad but i think economic divisions and tensions will always be a fact.

ok, I see what you mean. thanks for the clarification, I'm a bit of an idiot about such things cuz I have never experienced them, being originally from such a tiny and isolated town in the middle of fucking nowhere.

I'm glad to hear that people of different races get along when they are in the same economic class. I never thought about this cuz here the differences aren't so pronounced.

It sounds like there's a lot of desparation in the US. For example, my partner is treating someone in the states for free cuz she has cancer in her cervex and she can't get "medcad" for whatever reason so she's basically doomed to an early death. She's only 21 and she's a single mom with a baby girl, who will eventually be orphaned. My gf only ever had one other cancer patient before, a quite advanced case where it had traveled throughout her body and conventional treatments didn't work, and she eventually died. We are trying to be more optimistic about this one. Anyway, what was my point? Oh yea, desparation, when people are at their wit's end over health and their future, it's got to create a lot of bitterness from the have nots, which then creates a lot of fear and disgust in the haves. Very sad situation.

Why can't we all be like New Zealand? Rampant capitalism sucks ass. There has to be a balance.

swinging a little further left than usual,

I would like to get this off my chest. Why do rich people need to horde their money? I am talking about billionaires here, not millionaires. Yes, I know many of the extremely rich have charities, but I think they should go further than this. Take Bill Gates for example, he does give a lot of money to the needy, but he still holds on to more than he could possibly ever need. Many of these billionaires could not spend their money if they tried. I see no need to hold onto billions and billions of dollars. Sure they may say they are securing finance for future generations of their families, but all that does is create another generation of over privileged, arrogant, uneducated people. So, if you have forty billion sitting in your bank account, let go, share the wealth, people are in need.
yeah, i agree. for instance, when i heard michael jordan will be giving all of his $1.3 million salary to the relief effort, i thought, "that's all?!" same thing with bill gates -- i think he gave $10 million. that's chump change for them!
From The Economist (3rd week of June, 2001) Bill Gates endowed the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation with $21 billion, making it the worlds biggest charity. I wouldn't exactly call that pocket change for anyone.
Not that I have been, but the way you describe the economic vs. race divisions in your area make it sound a lot like Brazil, Lina.