What´s your favourite alcohol?

GinTonic is my absolute favorite.
Feel free to call me whatever you like, but I also enjoy a glass or to of Drambouie.
Also beer, naturally. I especially like Stella Artois, Tiger and Finnish Olvi.
spaffe said:
oh nice, i really wish i could appricate a good whiskey but can hardly stand the smell :(
i really like cigarrs and i think it would be a nice combination, if i liked it that is

as for alcohol i mostly drink beer, all i need
i really recomend this one:

a nice ale, try it if you see it.

yes that is indeed a quality ale! but not quite as good as


quality london brew!!!
Beer: Cascade Premium Larger *Drool*

Spirits: Cointreu (Would drool here but just the mere thought of Cointreu has made my mouth gone dry! :eek: .... So you can imagine what it does when you actually drink it.)