Favourite TFM song(s)!

Your favourite songs on TFM?

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well as long as we can all enjoy the music and have a beer, everything should be fine :kickass:
Only voted for one song. Then I noticed that it was a multi-choice poll...:rolleyes:

My (single) vote went to Hades Rising. If I wasn't so hasty I would have voted for At The Behest Of Their Death, Treasonous (Anders owns this album, really), Mock the Cross and Iesous (although this last one is very un-Bloobath like).
Process of Disillumination - I think it has the classic Bloodbath sound somewhere in there, like it'd fit nicely between RTC and NMF. If the two albums had roid rage.
Mock the Cross - Mock the fucking cross! :rock:
Iesous - :kickass: :notworthy
Hades Rising - Sounds like a bastard lovechild, conceived by Bloodbath taking Diabolical Masquerade from behind, but thinking of Katatonia the whole time.

Wretched Human Mirror - HUMAAAAAN!!! GUNIEA PIIG!!! :rock::kickass:

Hades Rising - Simply masterous, all the twists and turns....

Devouring the Feeble - I don't know why, but there's something in this song which I like.

Treasonous - This song owns. Simply one of the best songs ever concieved.

Iesous - Extremely catchy and Meshuggah-like.


Overall: This album is Bloodbath's best and it fucking owns! :kickass:
Hades Rising - Sounds like a bastard lovechild, conceived by Bloodbath taking Diabolical Masquerade from behind, but thinking of Katatonia the whole time.


My current favorites:

Wretched Human Mirror


Slaughtering The Will To Live

Process of Desillumination

At The Behest of Their Death

Hades Rising

Mock The Cross

Devouring The Feeble

Love singing the 1st 4. Feels better to sing that than most of the other stuff, maybe because it's new.. But still it makes you feel quite powerful.
Wretched Human Mirror of corpse.

fail. haha i think thats the worst on the album but yeh.

I posted this same poll on the Opeth forum before I saw it here and its interesting to see the difference between the two. I'm glad to see Mock the Cross out the front here, its not doing as well at the Opeth forum. But yeh its interesting to see how fans of the two bands like Bloodbath for different reasons(?) maybe.
fail. haha i think thats the worst on the album but yeh.
Very, very difficult to choose a favourite-song, because the whole album is ingenious. But the three best ones which I've choose are: Slaughtering the will to live, Iesous and Hades Rising