What a crappy sport


APT Keyboardist
Dec 27, 2007
Although I follow my local basketball teams (the Kings and Warriors) every year, it just dawned on me, for the first time ever, what a crappy "final ending" it is every year. In baseball we have had fifteen different teams claim the World Series title since 1984. That means almost half the teams have won at least once. In football, fourteen different teams have won the Super Bowl since then. AGAIN - almost half. Fourteen or fifteen different winners in 24 years isn't bad at all.

But IN BASKETBALL (this is just pathetic), the Bulls have won SIX times, the Lakers have won SIX times, the Spurs have won FOUR times, the Pistons THREE, the Rockets TWICE, the Celtics TWICE and the Heat (THANK GOD!!!!) ONCE (in 2006). That's SEVEN teams - ONLY SEVEN!!! teams that have won since 1984.

Guess which teams have the best records this year? The Celtics, The Lakers, The Pistons, The Spurs, and the Rockets. Why don't they just eliminate the other 24 teams and make the season last two weeks? For crying out loud, let Orlando win this year. Or what about Utah or New Orleans?

Thank God football and baseball are there to prove that anyone can win....just not in basketball.
I think it has a lot to do with how long an NBA career can last. It is becoming more common to see guys playing 15 years in the league and only play for a couple of teams. MLB has no salary cap so if you have the cash, you can pretty much buy yourself a championship (Yankees... Red Sox). NFL teams are usually only good a couple of years at a time because only a handful of positions can really be effective beyond 8 years in the league (a 4 year contract is considered a long term deal) so you get these crazy free-agent frenzies at the end of the year with everyone swapping teams like musical chairs. Plus, while only a few teams have claimed championships since '84, there have been some amazing playoff games. Hell, just last year, Golden State beat the team with the best regular season record to make a lot of people take notice of them in the second round. LeBron James single-handedly took over the Eastern Conference Finals to take an unlikely Cleveland team to the Finals. Besides, it has been 24 years since Boston had a title, and 13 since Hakeem, Clyde, and Mad Max won a couple for Houston. And hey, Orlando, Utah, New Orleans and Denver have enough to be a nasty surprise for the front runners.
Hey the Celtics have been lousy for the last 15 years or so. It's about time they get back into it! Hockey is the best sport to watch anyway. :)
Hey the Celtics have been lousy for the last 15 years or so. It's about time they get back into it! Hockey is the best sport to watch anyway. :)

HELLZ YEAH!! Go Sharks!!!:kickass:

The issue is no one wants to play on a loser.... so winning begats winning and losing begats a big load of shit on the telly....:lol::goggly:
The Warriors have never really had a chance because their GM traded away every talent that we had before they could help us win. These past two years show hope. But I really am tired of the same old teams every frakin year.
Warriors had two great players that really killed the franchise, Chris Webber and Sprewell , they could of put together a great run of playoff appearences and maybe a championship. But those two really set the franchise back decades, it takes years to get the pieces in place.While the Lakers , Spurs etc. always keep the foundation in tact and rebuild quickly and then maitain quality, they desire to win it all every year while others just try and make the play offs, look at the Knicks , they keep Isaih and he is the worst GM since Matt Millen , just a thought, hell Steve we cound talk sports forever , GO A' S
Warriors had two great players that really killed the franchise, Chris Webber and Sprewell , they could of put together a great run of playoff appearences and maybe a championship. But those two really set the franchise back decades, it takes years to get the pieces in place.While the Lakers , Spurs etc. always keep the foundation in tact and rebuild quickly and then maitain quality, they desire to win it all every year while others just try and make the play offs, look at the Knicks , they keep Isaih and he is the worst GM since Matt Millen , just a thought, hell Steve we cound talk sports forever , GO A' S

I totally agree. And Nelson was the coach. They had all the makings....except in the front office.