What a stormy 1st day for watershed

I don't know how many folks on here live in the North-Eastern US, but it's been one storm after another here today. Tornado watces, and Incredibally heavy rain. I've recorded almost 4" locally in the last 12 hours.

I've been jamming to watershed most of the day, with these storms going in the background. It's been an awesome experience to say the least. If it rains much more, my house is going to be a watershed :lol:
Haha good stuff! I love it when it pours rain and its all like "Oh gee...looks like i gotta stay inside all day, listen to fucking awesome music, and play guitar!! too bad!:p!!"

Same here, flooding, storms and booming thunder. I have been listening to Watershed in the storms too, and its truly hypnotic. The flashes of lightning, the booming thunder, it adds to the atmosphere of the album.
We're having storms of epic proportion all throughout the midwest region right now.

I hope the sirens stop soon.
It sprinkled for like a few minutes today and that was it. Otherwise, it was goddamningly humid and hot. Miserable.
Wouldn't it be great if you were listening to the ending of coil, all nice and happy, and as soon as the first note hits at the beginning of heir apparent it suddenly starts puring rain outside. Like BOOM. Downpour.
At least you have the record. I've had to download it on iTunes.
My (shitty) local record store doesn't have it.

I want the special edition, but I can't get it at a store around here. And with it being a cardboard box, I'm afraid it'll get crushed in the mail...

Just have to wait a little longer for the shitty stores, I guess. :rolleyes:
I was wishing I could have listened to Watershed with the storms tonight, but thanks to amazon screwing up my order I settled for watching Lamentations again.