What are other 2004 year end lists looking like?

Now this is the funny one. I know I am a bit hypocritical because I do own that shirt.
I also own Dub Buk's complete discography.


I am gay and lying.
There's nothing wrong with being hypocritical. That's the good thing about "freedom of choice".

Liking the music of Graveland and Nokturnal Mortum doesn't mean that I should start wearing a swastika on my sleeve for fear of looking hypocritical. For fucks sake, I decide where to draw the line.
You're absolutely correct Mr. Keeley. I choose to listen to and support extremists and if that is a bad thing, that is my problem. I was just trying to issue a warning to people who consider it "just music". It's very easy to overlook that it can be used as propaganda in the hands of certain people.

Bah, my concern is wasted. I've been philosophizing (is that even a word?) about this issue for awhile now and I still haven't come to any reasonable conclusion, so I should just kill everyone including myself.

Okay, no more political/ideological conversations for me.
Wait, I have given you incorrection information.

It's actually philosophomalasizamaling.
from my personal experience with metal bands ... the so called "anti christian" and "satanic" metal bands ... 90% of them ... they are all show and basically do it for enetertainment value.

the NS issue is I think a bit different. Most NS bands, not necesarily all metal, sing about this kind of stuff to directly spread their cause. It is a lifestyle for them ...
lurch70 said:
Most NS bands, not necesarily all metal, sing about this kind of stuff to directly spread their cause. It is a lifestyle for them ...
That is debatable as well. As we've discussed several times before, there are fans who will buy NS music simply because it is NS. They don't even need to hear a sample first. The concept therefore becomes a selling gimmick. Of course there's no money in it, but if you only publish 500 copies of an album, and it sells out, then you're immediatley awarded with 'credibility'. Next thing you know, the release becomes a collectors item and the band then becomes a discussion point.

The fact is, unless you know the artist on a personal level, you just do not know what's "real". I wouldn't be surprised if there are satanic death metal musicians out there going to church on a sunday morning with the wife and kids. I mean, just look what happened when the world found out about Vanilla Ice.
I think Arghoslent's bigotry is a complete gimmick. I have no theory behind that, just that I read some stuff on their website that came across as so ridiculous it seemed like one big joke.

I don't take NS bands seriously, and don't approve of the overall mindset, but don't care. Good music is good music is good music.
Not so sure about Arghoslent's hatred towards non-whites is a gimmick. They do share members with another NS (though more anti-Christian) band, Grand Belial's Key, who rock BTW.

I've read Arghoslent's lyrics, and tbh, they crack me up. Though a lot of you have it all wrong when you think they sing "Kill the my pals, kill the my pals, rip off his huge lips! rrrrrooaaaaaaaaarrrrr". Most of their lyrics are more historical sounding, in that they want to keep whatever racist culture exists in the SOuth alive. Because they are proud that "This album was recorded south of the Mason-Dixon line".

Come forth you shameless dark cunt
appeal to my mercy for your life
I command the helpless dame
bound and shackled in chains
OK so the following makes me a slight hypocrite, I admit, but here's where I draw the line: NSBM doesn't have an overt image of 'thuggery' IMO. It drifts towards nature & paganism, history of lands, unity of people, pride of race, etc. I don't really see an issue with that, since I think ALL races should be proud of their heritage. And of course, the antagonism towards Judeo-Christianity is self-evident, just read the history books.

Now obviously NS gets wrapped into the neo-Nazi skinhead movement which is rather different in its image and following, so I'll decide where to draw the line on a musical basis. Just because I listen to Nokturnal Mortum doesn't necessarily mean I'm going to open the door to Skrewdriver, whether that makes me a hypocrite or not. Why do I care?

Listen to Arghoslent, say, because you like their music, but by all means, do not waste time trying to justify their message to oneself through some form of guilty conscience. Separate between "worthwhile music" and "dumbass lyrics", or whatever else you deem fit.

I'll stick with...


and simply ignore this stuff...


...even if the 'message' isn't exactly worlds apart.
I wasn't trying to justify listening to Arghoslent, so I'm sorry if it sounded that way. Read through a bunch of threads in the GMD or Metal Archives forums and you'll see I'm not alone on my thoughts about their lyrics.

If I judged metal bands by "dumbass lyrics", I'd have a small collection.

But I actually agree with you. I'd never buy anything like those two bottom CD covers you posted. THe only thing I have which probably comes close is the Graveland/Honor split. Honor is some sort of punkish oi skinhead metal band. And they suck big time IMO.
J. said:
I wasn't trying to justify listening to Arghoslent, so I'm sorry if it sounded that way. Read through a bunch of threads in the GMD or Metal Archives forums and you'll see I'm not alone on my thoughts about their lyrics.
Oh, I wasn't directing my post at you. :tickled: I just used Argohslent as an example.

If I judged metal bands by "dumbass lyrics", I'd have a small collection.
I'd probably have even less. :loco: