What are the most essential DRUDKH albums?

Tough question because all Drudkh albums are really good. I'll list my favourite three.

Autumn Aurora - The most acousitcy of their metal albums very atmospheric, heavy and mellow in a weird dreamy way.

The Swan Road - The heaviest Drudkh album heavy, punchy and emotive.

Songs of Grief and Solitude - Acoustic instrumental album. one of the best of its kind, very expressive and beautiful.

check out www.supernalmusic.com where u can get em cheap!
Everything except Songs of Grief and Solitude. Not that it's a bad album, but clearly not as strong as their others. If I were you, I would check their albums in chronological order.
My opinion is Forgotten Legends, Autumn Aurora, Blood in our Wells. Not in a specific order, just those 3 are the best. Songs of Grief and Solitude is an uninspired and lazy "cash" grab. Has to be the most dissappointing cd of the last 2 years for me.
Listen to Negura Bunget. All though their sound is not THE SAME. Much better band then these hacks.
Talking of Negura Bunget, I've seen them on MTV. That's so not black metal. :p

the laws of true metal

1. don't be on mtv, EVAR
2. there ar no rules
3. BEER! :kickass:

Fuck, I'm bored
But more to my point, going on MTV means going mainstream (usually), bad thing to do if you're in any metal band.
Fuck what everyone else has said (except for Pethical) and buy every single one. Each one is an essential album.

Listen to Negura Bunget. All though their sound is not THE SAME. Much better band then these hacks.

I don't think you're in a position to determine whether Drudkh are hacks. The problem is that you just don't understand their art.
Fuck what everyone else has said (except for Pethical) and buy every single one. Each one is an essential album.

I don't think you're in a position to determine whether Drudkh are hacks. The problem is that you just don't understand their art.
And I thought I was the only one to actually enjoy Anti-Urban.
Fuck what everyone else has said (except for Pethical) and buy every single one. Each one is an essential album.

I don't think you're in a position to determine whether Drudkh are hacks. The problem is that you just don't understand their art.

Hubster, you actually believe that SOGAS is a good album and that it's essential? Why are you in a position to determine what is good or not? Maybe, you like uninspired, lazy playing and rehashing the same musical ideas in music, which certainly is what I hear on SOGAS. And don't tell me "I don't understand their art" It's not complicated, you either like it or you don't. I can appreciate when a musician creates a work of art. Drudkh are an excellent band, one of my favorite BM bands. Granted Hubster you do know a lot about the genre of BM, but SOGAS is a fly in the ointment for Drudkh
Songs of Grief And Solitude is their misunderstood work. It is NOT shit - Drudkh, like Hate Forest, Astrofaes or Temnozor transcends music and expresses culture as an entity. Rather, Songs of Grief And Solitude is underappreciated because the metal world has been spoiled by acoustic works like October Falls, Ulver and Borknagar which approach from a more richer tonal palette.

Peoples' main problem with Songs of Grief And Solitude is that it is folk music from EASTERN Europe, not Scandic Europe: the metal ear is more accustomed to the Scandic folk style, but the folk style from Eastern EU has a stronger gypsy influence and has a much more "arid" style.

The culture being expressed is different, its paganism is different, and in Black Metal like Drudkh, culture is everything. The biggest mistake people are making is that they are seeking "good tunes", and that is not what the primary goal of this music is about. Anyone who thinks otherwise should think twice about why they listen to Black Metal like this in the first place.
If they're seeking "good tunes" then they're going after the wrong genre and wrong band. It's not what Drudkh is for. It's not about something to tap your foot to. Furthermore, "good tunes" is not the limit of what I seek in Black Metal, I seek a further expression not limited to music.
"Good" has different meanings for different persons. Self-mutilation can be described as "good" for some people. You know as well as I do that black metal isn't limited to the music. In fact, black metal without ideologies isn't black metal. However, black metal without music isn't black metal either. Music HAS to be efficient (good), otherwise, it's absolutely pointless. Black Metal musicians could just drop their guitar, grab a pen and the power of their art would be no less. But it is not quite so.
Hubster, you raise good points about Drudkh's music. The last paragraph of your first post is I'm sure true. Possibly my ear is not "trained" for Drudkh's musical expression. Be that as it may, I find it hard to understand that Drudkh in conveying their culture, released such a lazy and error-prone "piece of art" in SOGAS. Their is an artistic expression in all music created. Please don't assume that I "misunderstand" SOGAS. I am musically trained, and I can recognize a poor musical output. Of course, this is opinion.