what are ya listenin at?

I've dusted off my Hypo albums from not being listened to, more or less, in a while, now in the CD changer is tonights playlist:

Osculum Obscenum
Catch 22
The Arrival
The fourth dimension

Lets see if I can go through them all tonight ;)
I've got a thing for polish metal at the moment. Behemoth, Vesania, Vader, stuff like that.
[ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxrpIxqhGiY&feature=channel_page[/ame] Just fucking listen in the beginning! SICK! I cant get enough of that shit. Peter is the best
i'm listening to a lot of Amorphis now, tomorrow they'll play here with Children of Gaydom

can't wait!!!!!!!!!!:kickass::kickass: