What are you doing at this moment?

Acting tough? I call it like I see it...no more, no less.

Claiming to be a real man because of the way you take your coffee = the gayest thing I've ever heard.

It was obviously not said in 100% seriousness.

And see who's banned now :lol:
:lol: Did dred get banned because he called Deron a cunt and all that shit?

I'm not especially active on this forum so I don't know if he called Deron anything or what was the reason. Anyway, good riddance. People who are attacking forum members all the time for no reason are annoying.
I'll be more than happy to let you join them Phenom? I'm done baby sitting those who can't handle a few very simple rules. Zero tolerance now vs. shutting down OT for the other decent users who actually enjoy coming here without causing trouble.
I'll be more than happy to let you join them Phenom? I'm done baby sitting those who can't handle a few very simple rules. Zero tolerance now vs. shutting down OT for the other decent users who actually enjoy coming here without causing trouble.

Im no one breaking rules. Can i just kindly ask what did they do? I didn't really see any rule breaking. Im not actually causing trouble so i won't try to get banned:lol:
I'll be more than happy to let you join them Phenom? I'm done baby sitting those who can't handle a few very simple rules. Zero tolerance now vs. shutting down OT for the other decent users who actually enjoy coming here without causing trouble.

Why did you ban Joe? He didn't do anything!
I sent Joe and KillerGon and very serious and direct warning about constant troublemaking here, insulting others, trolling, whining, reporting non-troublesome threads to me etc. - lots of simple things. I made them aware this is not their forum, it is for everyone. I asked they not make it public because it was something between me and them, Joe couldn't handle that and decided to talk about vs. posting the whole thing, kinda like you tell a child not to take a cookie so they break one in half and eat half. He just couldn't resist.

Joe complained about me deleting his posts. I did; only they were trolling someone's thread/derailing it and another 2 or so were insulting CoB by overlaying their new art on top of tampons. Baby stuff. The band doesn't need to be put down in their own forum. It's one thing to disagree with what they're releasing and what not....but there's a fine line.

Keep in mind guys, you don't see the posts because they get deleted. I'm not going to let stuff like that stay around.

So keep in mind, no more baby sitting here. Get along, hang out and have fun. There's very easy and simple friggin rules, literally. But from here on there is zero tolerance for troublemakers.
Wondering why teh monkey got banned.
He said to me that he called MetalAges a modfag, and got banned, someone confirm?
If so... lol? Does it take that little?