What are you doing at this moment?

Planning to go to the corner store to buy chips and coke and shits like this, listening to music on my way and smoking some weed. Than I'll get back, stoned, I'll eat my chps and I'll watch Lost In Translation because I didn't find Vicky Cristina Barcelona and Burn After Reading in torrent yet AND I FUCKING WANT TO SEE THEM!
At this very moment I am trying to reason myself out of the horrible trauma inflicted in me by one of my parents and thinking I WANNA GO SHOPPING!!!
Drinking coffee trying to convince myself to do the things I need to do today (such as go to the bank and the gym.)

Recently I've been waking up with pain all over. I don't know what the hell's been up with my sleeping, but I suck at it....on the plus side, because it's been total crap I've been remembering my dreams and they've been quite entertaining.
moving my english essay onto my USB key.
thinking about what i need to pack etc... woo.
Sitting in my American Journalism class, bored off my ass and wishing I was elsewhere. Furthermore, also wishing I didn't have my Senior Seminar tonight because we're going to be watching an episode some shitty reality TV show from Lifetime. My professor is obsessed with reality TV. Oh God, oh God, help me please.