What are you doing at this moment?

Gargling some Listerine. It fucking burns! After 20-30 seconds though the pain subsides, as if my mouth becomes numb or something. The next 30 seconds is so much easier :)

lol I am in creative writing class

But for the record, I have noticed that the song of storm's notes aren't in the right place on Zelda. As a musician, I find it funny. There's your useless info for the day. but hey, good job learning it with that crappy sheet music!:headbang:
I'm extremely worried about my computer... it makes weird sounds lately, and it seems like it would break soon...:( Damn, I have so many pictures on it, I already made 4 full cds with pictures of my friends and everything. Fuuuck...I don't want to lose those pictures!!:(
I just checked how many cds I still have to make to save all my pictures...and it's 17 full cds. God, I hope my computer will survive until then... I don't care if it breaks, I just want to save the pictures before... But damn, I don't have any cds anymore! :erk: The first thing I'll do tomorrow is buying some cds and saving the pictures as fast as I can!
Maybe uploading the pictures to sendspace or something in a compressed file?
700mb x 14???? How many fucking pictures do you have, I have insane amount of cds and even still I dunno if it'd be that much :s

Well, I only put 600mb on one CD, because after that it's starts being yellow and I don't know what happens then. :p
Anyway, I checked how many piccies I still have to burn on CDs, and it's about 10000mb BUT that's without those 4 full CDs that I already have and I'll probably make some new CDs because now it's all mixed and I have no idea which pictures are on what CD... so if I'll have about 20 CDs in the end, I want them to be in a certain order, and not that I have pictures of myself and then suddenly a few of sweden or anything on one CD. But whatever, all those pictures are ...ehh, wait. Ah oki, I checked it now and Nero says it's 13176,2 mb... OH GOD! :lol: If I then put 600mb on each CD then I neeeeed...ehhh...22 CDs. Okay. And if I'll make the CDs FULL (700mb) then I need 18 CDs.
Hm,I'll just buy 30. :rolleyes:
Well, I only put 600mb on one CD, because after that it's starts being yellow and I don't know what happens then. :p
Anyway, I checked how many piccies I still have to burn on CDs, and it's about 10000mb BUT that's without those 4 full CDs that I already have and I'll probably make some new CDs because now it's all mixed and I have no idea which pictures are on what CD... so if I'll have about 20 CDs in the end, I want them to be in a certain order, and not that I have pictures of myself and then suddenly a few of sweden or anything on one CD. But whatever, all those pictures are ...ehh, wait. Ah oki, I checked it now and Nero says it's 13176,2 mb... OH GOD! :lol: If I then put 600mb on each CD then I neeeeed...ehhh...22 CDs. Okay. And if I'll make the CDs FULL (700mb) then I need 18 CDs.
Hm,I'll just buy 30. :rolleyes:

Buy an external HDD. Upload the picture onto that.



^ This one's (today-only offer) 60 dollars, including shipping, for 300 GB of hard drive space. Enough room for your silly pictures plus a good 280+ GB left for some nekkid pics/videos of Knarf. That would be so much easier, and then you could just carry around a little thing that you could "slip into your purse" rather than 20-something annoying CD's. It even has a cord built in. Win-win situation.
:( I wish I still had a job where I'd have $60 of disposable income to pick up one of those. I could really use it.

Instead, I have $453 to my name and a couple bills to pay. On the brightside, it looks like I could be enlisted by next week sometime.

Right now, I'm typing this and listening to Bibio. It's weird electronic, tape-loop, almost ambient stuff.
talking to my cousin & watching some movie about johnny cash i think :S