What are you doing at this moment?

Its FINALLY smowing here.

There is a horseshoe shape around my city, where everyone else has all this massive snow about an hour out in every direction.
I'm going to go walk around in it and be artsy.
^It's snow EVERYWHERE here, it hit me in the face, shit was SO cold.

Me, i'm sitting in my course, waiting for it to end, 15 minutes left !

Then i'm going home to shred the juices out of mah geetar!
You tell me:

What has been seen....
Suppose you are given a wooden board with both big and small nails spread over it. Two of the big nails are red. Now you're given a roll of wire. You're only allowed to tie the wire at the red nails. Your goal is to connect the big nails, passing through each of them exactly once, and you may pass through the small nails at most once, if necessary. You want to do so such that you spend the least amount of wire.

That's what I have to do, in a nutshell.

EDIT> Actually, come to think of it, I don't NEED the convex hull. I'm a COMPLETE, utter idiot. Kill me.