What are you doing at this moment?

Sorry, you fail @ sarcasm.

I'm reading Choke by Chuck Palahniuk

Victor is a man in his mid-twenties who left medical school in order to find work to support his feeble mother who is now in a nursing home. He cannot afford the care that his mother is receiving so he resorts to being a con man. He consistently goes to various restaurants and purposely causes himself to choke mid-way through his meal, luring a "good Samaritan" into saving his life. He keeps a detailed list of everyone who saves him and sends them frequent letters about fictional bills he is unable to pay. The people feel so sorry for him that they send him cards and letters asking him about how he's doing and even continue to send him money to help him with the bills.

Sorry, you fail @ novels.

What a shit plot.. con men have way better schemes than something so godamn stupid.
Moar Mirror's Edge!
Beat it last night and my freind left his xbox here, so taking advantage of it as much as I can.
And eating pizza!
Sorry, you fail @ novels.

What a shit plot.. con men have way better schemes than something so godamn stupid.

yea dude, but Palahniuk wrote Fight Club. and Survivor was pretty good as well.

you see, it's different when you actually read the book. just the style of writing and the world he creates can't be grasped by some crappy summary you googled.
What is a pr0nz? :(

Porn, also known as Pr0n, is without a doubt mankind's greatest technological advancement of all time, but at the same time fail on film, as the purpose of sex is to make a baby, something which pornstars fail at doing, making porn (pr0n) the only good (awesome) fail in the world. It is the sole reason Al Gore invented the Internets.

Oh you boys make me :lol:

I think I'm going to go bake a nice cake for Thanksgiving. I detest Thanksgiving only because of the people that my aunt invites every year. It cause my father to start a verbal fight at the table. No matter, I will leave at 4 to go DJ :D
Oh you boys make me :lol:

I think I'm going to go bake a nice cake for Thanksgiving. I detest Thanksgiving only because of the people that my aunt invites every year. It cause my father to start a verbal fight at the table. No matter, I will leave at 4 to go DJ :D

Covering for Greg?

I'm watching the late news and saying goodnight to my family that are going to bed. I'll probably be going to bed soon too since I'm dead tired. Getting up at 4 AM for Amtrak slayed me.