What are you doing at this moment?

^I've never liked star wars....not sure why.

I'm about to begin rewatching Samurai Champloo....just waiting for the download to finish.
at school, printing off my catering coursework... not really suppose to be on here. lol. no one else is here. haha. but i bet i'm gonna get caught. :)

That's why.

A.) I'm no animefag, and B.) I just never got into space sci-fi shit. Don't like Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, Dr Who, Stargate (though the movie was alright...but that's because James Spader and Kurt Russell were in it.) I loved "The Abyss" though, but that's only because it had to do with the ocean.

For the record, I also dislike the Godfathers (I'm not a fan of anyhting related to the mafia, including the Sopranos.)