What are you doing at this moment?

I am really happy i gave Nevermore a chance still after openly declaring that i really hate Nevermore :lol: I have now been listening to "Enemies Of Reality" album and digging it. It's pretty badass! Once Warren's vocals grew on me a bit I liked it really much. I am going to have to buy this album! Also like the other albums but haven't really listened to them as much yet as EOR. So, what have i done today? I skipped school and listened to Nevermore. Best thing that i did to me this week...
Having a headache and drinking some cocoa, since I was too lazy to make some fucking coffee :lol:
I'm going to the supermarket with my dad in a couple of mins to make sure there's enough good unhealthy food in the house for the weekend.
Just read a newsletter I recieved..

Do want!
