What are you doing at this moment?

How did that go for you?

I'm currently trying to locate some Tylenol with which to kill my hangover.

Right now I'm doing the same, haha.

I didn't plan well enough ahead to realize that getting them off afterwards would be difficult and therefor make me unable to play guitar. Normally I don't think I'd have been so drunk, but it didn't help I was being given shots of jager on the side.

Head hurts.

Drink lots man! Dehydration ftl :/

Thanks! I just wish I had remembered this.

Necrö;8140020 said:
I can top that. I permanently damaged my nipples with deodorant while drunk.

How the fuck?
This is COBOT ffs. Where else? ;)

It's not really that interesting really. On a "class trip" to Munich I got drunk beyond measure and woke up in my hotel room, naked, in my own vomit, with stuff drawn all over my body and my nipples all sore. I still occasionally find out new things about what happened that night. It happened 2 years ago.

Apparently, after we came back from that bar we spent the evening, where we drank shitloads of their "secret" self made liquor, which we called "Geh-Heim-Schnaps" (lit. "Go-Home-Schnaps", geheim = secret), we continued drinking and at some point our shirts came off (just the guys, sadly). I hit on every girl in the room (at that point I still had a girlfriend), let the others paint all kinds of weird stuff on me and then I found the deodorant. I screamed "Dude! Spray my nipples with this!!!"

I considered that to be a good idea at that moment.

Ever since that night my nipples are way too sensitive and itch every now and then.

Well, what can I say... It was stupid, but it was one of the funniest nights of my life :lol:
That's amazing. I've had a night sort of like that too, though not quite as interesting.

My friend's band was headlining this really big venue in Seattle (the Showbox) which had a bar. So I was enjoying the show from a prime spot with booze. Of course, I ended up getting the most drunk I have ever been (that I can remember or have at least heard of, anyway). What I can recall drinking was as follows, in no particular order...

Jager bomb
Irish Car bomb (or two?)
Crown and coke
4-5 beers, or so
White Russian
2 shots of whiskey

And I may have had more, but I ended up blacking out, so I don't know. The good thing is, when I get really drunk, I don't get violent. I just get ridiculous, which is hilarious for everyone else and embarrassing for myself later. So about a song into my friend's set (as was told to me later), I was kicked out of the venue and given my $125 bar tab. After which, I ran into a few friends, one of which is a lesbian whom I professed undying love for. Then I took off my shirt and sang Manowar, or tried to. Followed by air guitaring and (attemptedly) singing Tornado of Souls by Megadeth, complete with the solo (which I also tried to sing).

Thankfully, the guys at the venue thought I was so funny that I can still go back there, though I don't plan on an encore. I knew it was bad when a friend I work with, who is roommates with a guy who works there, was recanted the story without the dude realizing we already knew each other. To this day I seem to find more and more people who I ran into that night, and learn different things that I seemed to have done in drunken blazes of glory and shame.
Necrö;8140479 said:
It's not really that interesting really. On a "class trip" to Munich I got drunk beyond measure and woke up in my hotel room, naked, in my own vomit, with stuff drawn all over my body and my nipples all sore. I still occasionally find out new things about what happened that night. It happened 2 years ago.

Apparently, after we came back from that bar we spent the evening, where we drank shitloads of their "secret" self made liquor, which we called "Geh-Heim-Schnaps" (lit. "Go-Home-Schnaps", geheim = secret), we continued drinking and at some point our shirts came off (just the guys, sadly). I hit on every girl in the room (at that point I still had a girlfriend), let the others paint all kinds of weird stuff on me and then I found the deodorant. I screamed "Dude! Spray my nipples with this!!!"

I considered that to be a good idea at that moment.

Ever since that night my nipples are way too sensitive and itch every now and then.

Well, what can I say... It was stupid, but it was one of the funniest nights of my life :lol:

haha, awesome! have not had a drunk trip yet :/ so no bad memories on that point for me ^^