What are you doing at this moment?

Fuck yeah! Subway is ace! I ate one last week. I forgot to tell them to skip the jalapenos though. At first bite my mouth was burning :lol.

I am now making myself ready to go to the doctor. Arrrrrgh...I so don't want to do this :lol:

Jalapenós and chili!

Dangerous stuff...

Anyways, just came home from the doctor. I will recieve a date for the surgery within this month. I also stopped by the mall and got me 2 pimp shirts,a jacket and some new shoes. I am now broke...
Pffffffff..... Jalapeños are like sugar in chile form, you should try Habaneros, that's real chile right there.
Absolutely, I fuckin love them! I would never have thought that they grow in our climate, but we got them through last year. This year we also try with Naga Bhut Jolokia and some Scotch Bonnet seeds. Although nothing else can have a taste like Habaneros do :) Oh and also got some NuMex Suave seeds, I´m wondering if they really taste like "usual" Habaneros.
The hottest chile I know is brought from the "Sierra Tarahumara" where indians have to go all the way up to a tree in the highest hill I've ever seen and bring the chile from up there, they can only bring like 300 grams each time and it takes them a whole day to do it, it's about 20 dollars a kilogram, very cheap if you ask me.
Just looked for them at the online seed store. They seem to have not as many Scoville as Habaneros, but yet give you a hotter feeling than Habaneros. They got seeds too, but it seems to be hard to grow them because the plants are used to some special birds´ dropping :lol: But you can buy them dried, maybe I´ll try them.
Edit: They´re called "Chiltepin-Chilis" there btw, we´re talking bout the same I hope?
I have no idea how they're called, they are tiny red balls that make you spit fire.