What are you doing at this moment?

Im jelaous cause of that Kinder Bueno:waah:
all im going to eat are god damn apples:waah:

Apples are great!! Put some of this on them


A very delicious snack you got there.
I cant im on a diet.I lost exactly 33 kilograms in the last 7 months thanx to nutricionist and apples.I eat abt 9 apples a day,nothing with too much calories and sugar for me:waah:
nope,but one apple leads to another one and that leads to chocolate and so on...:u-huh:
beside i think i wouldnt feel very good after eating too much sweets,cause im used on healthier food now
Don't deny it, you miss cakes :mad: But really, my sister lost a lot of weight too, she eats healthy during the week, and she eats just like me on weekends :) You should try that aswell :D
But do you want to live the rest of your life limiting what you eat? You won't go back to your past weight by eating "normal" on weekends if you continue to eat healthy and exercise during the week :) Honestly I rather be chubby and eat what I like than being skinny and not being able to eat good.
Ofcourse not.A diet that i got now is about coming back to normal food, ofcourse im not going to live on joghurt till the rest of my life.
:).beside u dont know how much i eat,and trust me i eat very well,cause diets that are recommended by doctors and nutricionists are abt what do u eat and not abt how much u eat
can we please stop this this argue,its becoming stupid?:)
I'm sat in IT. Doing fuckall. & talking to my friend, Amybitch. :)

We're all just sat around taking pics or doing whatever on the web.
I'm trying to find a song from an old band called Rose Tattoo, for my dad .. I was in every single musicstore in Aarhus today and they did not have their albums or anything. So I think I have to download it if don't find it :(
Rose Tattoo is "cult" in some way, at least in Germany. They´re appearing @ Live At Wacken 2007 DVD for example, and @ amazon.de you can find lots of stuff from them, check it out: http://www.amazon.de/s/ref=nb_ss_w?...%3Dpopular&field-keywords=rose+tattoo&x=0&y=0