What are you doing at this moment?

Well yeah, it used to be worth something a couple of years ago. Now it's crowded with damn fangirls who go insane if you joke about their idols a little or you spam the slightest bit.
Just found you on the forum, by the way. Your photos are pretty sweet. :)

Haven't been there for so long time, today was the first time I posted something.
And thanks, I saw one from Romania, maybe it was you I don't know :)
Diablo II is really a kickass game. Summon Necros and frenzy barbarians FTW.

Hammerdins and frozen orb sorcs :Puke:
I've been testing custom skins on L4D and I've just applied one you guys might like.

don't know if the guy who made it visits these board but if you do, great job man!


I'm glad you liked it :kickass:
I'd be down with that. I'll bring in my IK Barb, or else my Necro with Trang-Oul's that I'm still leveling up.

Tight! I'll get to installing D2 within the next day or so. Btw, do you think Diablo 1 would ever be fun to play again? I can't remember if I played the Hellfire expansion and am just curious to know if anyone even still plays that game. It's gotta be even more hacked up than D2 right? :p

I used to love meteor sorcs though. And my favorite necro was poison/bone tbh. :lol:

:kickass: I had an Hardcore bone dueler for a while. Took down a decent amount of foes, but then this one Druid was really gay and had that save/exit mod that bailed him out of the game when he was low on health. So it kept saving his ass and he eventually killed me lol. But everyone seemed to have that mod, as well as twinked out level 18 Charge Pallys who don't appear very strong but end up 1-hitting you lol.