What are you doing at this moment?

About to buy some tickets for an upcoming local concert on my boyfriend's birthday. His former band is playing, and since he and I are friends with all of the members, I'm going to have them give him a shoutout when they come on to play.

He'll kill me and then die of embarrassment himself, but it will be worth it. :lol:
Listening to the new Eternal Tears of Sorrow album while on break from class. This shit is awesome!

Yo Chr1s, have you ever played any D2 mods? I'm wondering which are the best ones. The main two that people seem to play are Eastern Sun and Median. I'd like to probably give one of these a try if you're down.

I've never played any of the mods, no. I didn't even know anyone had made mods of the game. And honestly, I'm too busy leveling up my Necro to the point where he can use a Wisp Projector. Yeah, I'm bad :lol: