What are you doing at this moment?

...well and who gives you the money to get stoned in the pub?And acutally that's what you do when you go to Universtiy.
You could also go to school/ get a real job / or be a real bum bumming around.
That would normally be me. :lol:
And well, I do go to school, but I'm still on holidays, and apparently one actually DOES get bored of doing nothing (!!) at some point.

Atm: waiting for the henna in my hair to dry.

well ok, if you're on holiday and 17 get wasted and all in the pub.
Meh I'm 17, I could very well sleep all day long after having spent the night stoned to death in a seedy pub or something. It's still better than that :lol:

If smoking pot makes you tired to the point you need a day (or more than 3 hours) to recover. Something is wrong.

Oh, and smoking pot.
Gonna go get some groceries. Farmers Market weeeeeeee!
I just came back from jazz concert.My dad finaly met Bojan Zulfikarpasic,his fav piano player and i thought its funny when that guy told me he is a Meshuggah and SYL fan.
Sat in my lounge with some mates listening to Seventh Wonder.
On msn with Ensi, I'm probs just chatting shit tho.
Getting foooked up brah, allready polished off a crate of San Miguel.
I went to bed but couldn't sleep, so I came back here. Tomorrow is my grandparent's 50th wedding aniversary, I'm gonna be at my uncle's place all day long to help prepare the food and everything. They're coming back from their aniversary honeymoon in the afternoon, and I'll also have to go to Montreal to pick them up.

I wish I could sleep, so I wouldn't be tired tomorrow, but I can't, so it's gonna be like hell to wake up tomorrow morning.