What are you doing at this moment?

making a poor attempt at getting ozzfest tickets....i've been "waiting in line" for like a fucking hour now....GHEYYYYY!!!!!
:mad: ahhhh...i see... so i'm not the only one. i had to keep refreshing and all that shit, finally got to enter my email and it's still "waiting in line". earlier it happened and then my code "timed out" or some shit, so i'm having to do it again......:rolleyes: this sucks dirty yeti balls

*takes the liquor and drinks*

thank you!!:oops:

hopefully we'll get tix:)

chug that shit!!!:kickass: WOOO! your welcome, i hope we do too damnit! i'm actually waiting in two lines now:lol: just in case i get "kicked out" of the one i've been in forever now
I thought you said you were doing two lines... I guess I watch Scarface and Carlito's Way too much. :lol:

haha:lol: damn Scarface..."who do i trust? ME!" no nose candy in my line, or that i know of....:err:

@ nikki....they are about to get a foot up their asses if they don't stop kickin' us out :yuk:

*steps out of line, has some chump hold my spot, goes into kitchen to make meatloaf*