What are you doing at this moment?

OMG Wacken :( Die Swabs.... (What was your name again?) :p

I'm drinking iced water
being aggravated. hating school. hating the fucking Drexel U. more than ever. just found out that the owner of my old music school is now a multi-millionaire. coincidentally i'll be seeing the fucker tomorrow night for the first time in over 2 years. heh.
@ Tammy:
Oh yeah, same here, it's true... and often, cause we are in a hurry, we end choosing the wrong thing.

I hope this time I'll decide well.
Ok, doing mistakes is typical of us human beings, but well... with age we -I, in this case- should learn how to make less mistakes... and grow up.
im waiting for 6:45. its not coming fast enough though. i have to go somewhere, but, my boyfriend is at work, and his parents are gone out, and if i leave and then come back, ill be locked out. ugghh..gheeyyzzoorrzzz. so im bored right now.