What are you doing at this moment?

sitting in bed, just finished writing a moderately provacative PM. that's what i do :)

now finishing an epic story for a friend's "about me" on his better-happen-soon myspace.
┼Victim of the Night┼;6349985 said:
@ Tammy:
Oh yeah, same here, it's true... and often, cause we are in a hurry, we end choosing the wrong thing.

I hope this time I'll decide well.
Ok, doing mistakes is typical of us human beings, but well... with age we -I, in this case- should learn how to make less mistakes... and grow up.

You write so well. I love your punctuation.
I hope you have made your decision by now:)

As for me, I am thinking I should read my book. I am also thinking I need to start taking the gym :)zombie: :erk: :ill: :yuk: ) seriously, so I will do my best to wake up earlier and visit that place of torture before I go to work. So yeah, I am just thinking of all the things I've been procrastinating.