What are you doing at this moment?

Holding my head still. Got an uber-extra-mega-teased-curly-updo-thing for prom today and, leaving aside the fact I can't move or it might fall off, the stench of hairspray and every other thing the woman used is killing my throat and blinding my eyes. :lol:
Holding my head still. Got an uber-extra-mega-teased-curly-updo-thing for prom today and, leaving aside the fact I can't move or it might fall off, the stench of hairspray and every other thing the woman used is killing my throat and blinding my eyes. :lol:

less is more
Fuck Yeah, just finishing off a standby database I've been trying to create all day and it finally came together in the last hour.
Using a different method from usual so its good learning experience. I am teh proud
less is more
I know. Hairdressers don't, though. :(

Only girls like their hair up :p
No. Moms and hairdressers like girls' hair up. :(


Prom was fine, food was scarce, DJ was an old lady. There was music and a minuscule dance floor and I remember dancing on a lot of different stuff, of which most would be embarassing for a so-called metalhead, or well, any normal human being. Like, for instance, "I'm a Barbie Girl in a Barbie World", "Lambada" or "Gasolina".

Now - worrying about how I have a test tomorrow, how I haven't studied for it and how I feel like I won't. :lol:
Great hair for your prom StoneWoman :) Love it!

Listening to the most beautiful song I've heard, drinking some mozell, having a snus, looking at pictures and cannot wait til my birthday : D
No. Moms and hairdressers like girls' hair up. :(

embarassing for a so-called metalhead...Like, for instance, "I'm a Barbie Girl in a Barbie World"

You take that back :mad:

No. Moms and hairdressers like girls' hair up. :(

And I'll never understand why :/
It looks great though, just I'd never agree that its worth the effort. Long hair is trying enough as it is :p
Thanks a lot, Alyssa and Caroline! :oops: :) (CRABSTICK, CHECK YOUR INBOX :D )

@vikk: If a guy who thinks less is more still finds THAT hair ok, then it's all good. :kickass: :lol: And yeah, we do. And not only tests, but also big fat EXAMS coming next week. And the week after. Long live school ending in mid-June!! :kickass: :ill:

@Cliff: Oh, then it's okay to secretly love that song and then stop keeping it secret, aye? :oops: :oops: :lol:
And thanks to you too. :) I kind of agree, though, especially since it's something you can't get done/fix on your own, so you need to take care not to, err, move your head. At all. :lol: But since everyone is so mental about "OMGHIGHSCHOOLGRADUATION", I needed to follow the trend. :lol: