What are you doing at this moment?

where they can't even afford proper English lessons.

enjoy you're stay, .


nope, not really... only that my life has got a little less interesting since I left the forum, baaahh :cry: ;)
how about you, down there?

Well yeah, I decided that medicine studies would be a neat thing for me to sttudy but we'll see if I'll make it through the entrance test. :(
Ah I'm on summer holiday at the moment and won't be back in Oxford till September. Have a good time though, Oxford is a fucking awesome city.
I'll be in Brighton the most time... is it nice there? I don't know when we will visit Oxford, we'll be in England only one week, from 29th August until 2nd or 3rd September... so maybe there's a chance I see you anyway ;)
Many of my old classmates travel to Berlin frequently and I never met one of them. ;)