What are you doing at this moment?

eating cookies, wishing i had coffee. trying not to smoke and just "waking" up in general for my stats midterm. i need to not freak myself out because i know and understand the material....

pfffffffff. u'know? if i could answer a question easily i would think it's a trick question and try to answer it in different more complicated ways. i was truly sick. hopefully i got over this stupidity. because i can get an A if only i relax. i answered most of the questions in the book right!
w/eggs, bacon and cheese. same idea as a burger, really.

i do egg over easy, porkroll (or scrapple), American or Swiss cheese, salt and pepper on an English Muffin with ketchup and mustard. it's better than it sounds! not for the body tho...
i make "normal" sandwhiches on english muffins all the time

and by that i mean a ham and cheese and toast it. mmm.