What are you doing at this moment?

Being slightly bitter and confused 'cos the cunting weather's been torrentially pish all fucking day. Thus, I've been refraining from my work out routine but I may just have to deal wi' it. (I suppose, it's only fucking rainfall). Also, one particular local pub havenae contacted me aboot some hours o' work I need to do, and I'd quite like to fucking know, thanks.
Being slightly bitter and confused 'cos the cunting weather's been torrentially pish all fucking day. Thus, I've been refraining from my work out routine but I may just have to deal wi' it. (I suppose, it's only fucking rainfall). Also, one particular local pub havenae contacted me aboot some hours o' work I need to do, and I'd quite like to fucking know, thanks.

i thought it was always raining in scotland?
Depends where you are, really. An area such as Fort William literally rains all fucking year. I don't know, nor care to be honest, whether you were being facetious or not, but I will say the weather can be stunning all over this country. This summer's not been too great in that respect, though.


my cousine studied someplace there. in some university i forget. and she got depressed because it was raining all the time.

wow. i so failed trying to make a conversation. talking about the weather. i'm bored. but i think i aced my stats!

i'm going to take a nap.

unless it was all trick questions..
^if it makes you feel any better, i have midterms and projects for all German, Finance, Management Info Systems(computer shit) and Marketing this week and next. :D yayyyyyy
Listening to music.

Listening to music.

Listening to music.

Listening to music and packing bags.

Listening to music.

^Smoking isn't good, girl. :)

I'm listening to music.

Listening to music and waiting.

Listening to music.

Listening to music.

:lol: Youre so predictable