What are you doing at this moment?

Just came back home from rock festivals.. saw Sepultura live.. and.. had my eyebrow pierced at the festivals.. now thinking why the hell did I do that, but hey.. it was worth it cause after I took it..I was asked to prove I am 18 at the bar section.. been 12 years since the last time :D
i just came back from saphire and finally saw sigma elementa live. A W E S O M E! really. not just music wise but performance too. i got worn out just watching these guys. i bought their cd and got to chat a bit with julien. really nice guy. it was scary though because it was such a small stage and the guys were all over the place. the mic standgot knocked down and smacked right into my boob haha. many other collisions but they shrugged them off and kept going.
^being done with that

Heh, I'm quite pleased, as after an hour and a half of pushing, shoving and "EURGH"ing. I finally managed to fit 1 tent, 1 sleeping bag, 1 bedroll, 2 pairs of jeans, 1 pair of shorts, 5 shirts, all the necessary underwear and one pair of swimshorts into one bag ^^ Fucking airline restrictions only letting people take one hand luggage bag on the plane :erk:


Tis fecking heavy :/