What are you doing at this moment?

"Christian Education" :lol:

You were talking aboot your GCSEs earlier. Well, assuming you chaps have Highers also, I last took higher RMPS (an acronym for Religious, Moral, and Philosophical Studies) which was essentially Higher CHRISTIANITY. This was entirely due to our teacher - despite being a fairly sound, genuine bloke wi' a sense of humour - being a devout far right Christian. Not cool.

Oh, and now I'm thoroughly brushing teeth.
Ha, my RE teacher is an athiest, the first thing he said on his first lesson was "So who thinks religion is a load of shit then?" :lol:
Anyway, to stick to the thread topic.

What I'm doing: Bleeding, I managed to seriously fuck up my lip whilst shaving :erk:
I'm doing this atm

After reading UM Couples thread :erk:
Well, I'm not even sure if it's good or not. We only had a bit of sugar left so my roommate experimented with like some weird bunch of ingredients to make up for it and put like 2 different packs in the same pitcher. What a fucking explosion of taste, that's for sure.