What are you doing at this moment?

Well I have a wii but hardly have the time to play it. Actually, it's my younger brother's but I still pwn him when I have the opportunity to play. I'm a mario addict so i'll check out double dash.
Double Dash is amazing with a bunch of friends.

Speaking of which, have you ever tried Smash Bros on acid? :lol:

No mate :lol: I'm sure it would be funny as fuck though. I don't really use acid that much any more because my last experience was kind of weird. I was fucking shaking and from what my friends recall talking to myself.
Söy;6444963 said:
aboot to go play some bioshock

:kickass: It's fucking amazing aint it. (although I've actually been neglecting it a little to play The Darkness :\)

Also: I'm about to find out my exam results, if they're good then I'll post them...and if they're lolworthy then I'll still post em. Because everybody cares :rofl: