What are you doing at this moment?

imparfait = simple past
i.e. je dansais
passé composé = present perfect (mostly avoir + verb ending on -é instead of -er of -u instead of -re)
i.e. j'ai dansé
the french mostly prefer using p.c. to imparfait.

plusqueparfait = past perfect (past tense of avoir + ...)
i.e. j'avais dansé
conditionnel = would. use futur simple with the endings of imparfait in 1. & 2. person singular and 3. person singular & plural (je/tu/il/elle/on/ils/elles). use imparfait in 1. & 2. person plural(nous/vous).
appears both in present (je danserais - I would dance) as in past (j'aurais dansé - I would have danced)

adverbs : take the female version of the adjective and add -ment (i.e. lent -> lente + ment = lentement)

of course there are a lot of exceptions :erk: