What are you doing at this moment?

Yeah thats kickass to be in a music shop on TET. I wish i had that soon again but all i have now is fuckin tests and damn homework...stupid school:lol: Well then probably ESP necks are your thing...the strat shaped was probably a Sun burst dinky or as they are called DK2/Dk2M or DKMG. Im pretty much jackson neck man....might be my short fingers but they fit me better than the mmv. I woud have rather had the MMV color you had but i was too alexi fanboy to pick that even though my friend said it woud fit me best. Now i have a jackson in those colors :lol:

Well, I tested a Jackson dinky there too, wasnt that good for me.. It was 200€ cheaper, black ,22 frets. And I'm a little frustrated about the alexi fanboy thing too.. I prefered it over some other guitars just cos of the alexi thing :lol: But thank god it did luckily fit meh:Smug: Btw, have you tried any of "Maverick" guitars? Theyre pretty good, though it was a bit hard to play it as I'm used to the RR shape guitars and it was strato shaped, so I had to put it to my left leg and it kept slipping down because my jeans were "slippy" :lol: But anyways, it was good to play, maybe would of been easier if I had used (perkule mikä olikaa hihna? mut "hihnaa"...), but I didn't want to bother the shop owners with it :lol: Sorry about possibly messy post :loco:

EDIT: You won't have any new comments as your profile on IRC-Gallery is disabled for this week so.. No 1's gonna view your pics or comment either :Smug:
ANOTHER EDIT: Your posts on communities are deletedhh... But oh well, that's 'bout it.
Well, I tested a Jackson dinky there too, wasnt that good for me.. It was 200€ cheaper, black ,22 frets. And I'm a little frustrated about the alexi fanboy thing too.. I prefered it over some other guitars just cos of the alexi thing :lol: But thank god it did luckily fit meh:Smug: Btw, have you tried any of "Maverick" guitars? Theyre pretty good, though it was a bit hard to play it as I'm used to the RR shape guitars and it was strato shaped, so I had to put it to my left leg and it kept slipping down because my jeans were "slippy" :lol: But anyways, it was good to play, maybe would of been easier if I had used (perkule mikä olikaa hihna? mut "hihnaa"...), but I didn't want to bother the shop owners with it :lol: Sorry about possibly messy post :loco:

EDIT: You won't have any new comments as your profile on IRC-Gallery is disabled for this week so.. No 1's gonna view your pics or comment either :Smug:
ANOTHER EDIT: Your posts on communities are deletedhh... But oh well, that's 'bout it.

Damn Cunts at irc! Lemonparty is such a good site really :Smug: Maybe they didnt like my linking:lol: I kept saying stuff liek "Flodaajille tarkoitettu ->Lemonparty.org" and then someone said "kekkonen ei taida kauan enää olla täällä" The next thing i new i was banned:lol: Well shit happens and i dont take that so hard. :lol: Nah havent tried maverick guitars...what kinda guitars are they basically? Yeah i hate that slipping too:lol: Yes u shudve asked for strap(HIHNA :D) Yes well youre lucky that the MMV didnt turn out as it did for me(The neck was all wrong shape for my hands) BTW have u seen the new updated MMV? its got sawtooth inlays and somekinda new floyd. It costs 699 euros though :erk:
Damn Cunts at irc! Lemonparty is such a good site really :Smug: Maybe they didnt like my linking:lol: I kept saying stuff liek "Flodaajille tarkoitettu ->Lemonparty.org" and then someone said "kekkonen ei taida kauan enää olla täällä" The next thing i new i was banned:lol: Well shit happens and i dont take that so hard. :lol: Nah havent tried maverick guitars...what kinda guitars are they basically? Yeah i hate that slipping too:lol: Yes u shudve asked for strap(HIHNA :D) Yes well youre lucky that the MMV didnt turn out as it did for me(The neck was all wrong shape for my hands) BTW have u seen the new updated MMV? its got sawtooth inlays and somekinda new floyd. It costs 699 euros though :erk:

Yep saw, it looks shit. Other stuff I noticed was the volume knobs moved more to the back of the guitar, and the painting was a lil' bit different.

Maverick guits are pretty good I think. It has "place" for part of your arm to rest on, and the volume knobs are sunk in to the body, theyre like "rollable" theyre not normal likely knobs. Also, they have designed their own pups with seymour duncan, I heard that they took some kind of challenge, to make the "worlds best pups" and so, their guitars should have those then. Also, the floyd ofc seems to be pretty great, since I tried it(hey and its 800€...). The one I tried was black with 24 frets, neck and bridge pups, both double coiled(?) You should check their site, cba to search for it atm. It's a British company(Maverick). Uhmm and also sorry again for the messy post... I'm a bit tired and typing in "hurry" so..:loco:
Yep saw, it looks shit. Other stuff I noticed was the volume knobs moved more to the back of the guitar, and the painting was a lil' bit different.

Maverick guits are pretty good I think. It has "place" for part of your arm to rest on, and the volume knobs are sunk in to the body, theyre like "rollable" theyre not normal likely knobs. Also, they have designed their own pups with seymour duncan, I heard that they took some kind of challenge, to make the "worlds best pups" and so, their guitars should have those then. Also, the floyd ofc seems to be pretty great, since I tried it(hey and its 800€...). The one I tried was black with 24 frets, neck and bridge pups, both double coiled(?) You should check their site, cba to search for it atm. It's a British company(Maverick). Uhmm and also sorry again for the messy post... I'm a bit tired and typing in "hurry" so..:loco:

oh cool...i shoud check them out. Gotta go sleepy. Nightey!:p:)o_O
ohh Nikki it was good?? i will buy my ticket for them tomorrow
now well i still sick so im resting in my bed with the lap watching some tv i have to feel better tomorrow!!! >.<