What are you doing right nao?

So I was watching the movie "Flight" kind of randomly and noticed Nadine Velazquez (Catalina from My Name is Earl) was in it. Walking around in total full frontal nudity right at the beginning. The rest of the movie was pointless, I was totally satisfied by just the intro, I think got more joy out of the first 2 minutes than I do from most entire movies. I can die happy now, that girl is one of the most perfect looking women out there. That is all :lol:

/End perv mode
the movie totally sucked, trailer was deceiving, i thought it was some cool conspiracy thriller, but it turns out it was just Denzel Washington being a douche the entire movie.

Irrelevant, they got Nadine Velazquez naked. It's a great movie. :lol:.

But no it wasn't that good... I normally wouldn't comment on something like that like a tasteless idiot (like monoxide_child) it was just something I wanted to see ever since My Name is Earl. She is up there with Kate Beckinsale on my list.
Aye. The frame rate in those games we played was abysmal, was playing purely on the laptop processor as it's graphics were blown. Should be resolved tonight though, unless my last two parts don't arrive on time.
I don't like watching any sport. I think it's a waste of time to sit there and watch other people play a game and give them millions of dollars to do it, I'd rather go play it myself. I know I'm the minority and under gay suspicion now but I go out of my mind with boredom when someone flips the station to a game for hours.
i only really watch important/decisive games, like my team is 3 games away from being world champion giggity