The Pet Thread

I'm crying of laughter :lol: "purrrrrrrrfect"..."apawse"..."I'm sure I could find some lynx to some maw." *dies* :'D
I'll have to start using 'purrfect' :p matter how hilarious Ben makes this thread, POST PICS OF YOUR PETS YOU CUNTS :mad: Noga you wanted to post pics of Pony, so stop laughing and post them!
I don't exactly like the "you cunts" part :err: , but I love my pets, so here they are:


Bodo and Pavica. :)
Erik said:
Here's my dog, but she has shorter fur than usual on this pic so her head looks disproportionately large.
Ooh, your friend looks so soft and cuddly. She can read the newspaper? Looks like it. :p ...and that's your shoe collection in the background...? :)