What are you doing right nao?

Good idea, ill download it, watch it just for the sake of spoiling it to others waiting.

Yes, yes... I was pretty bitter about last season, because of changes I had hard time spoiling the show with knowledge from the books.
Its 2 am and i want pizza now. fuck you

Why do you use the 12 hour clock when you're a Pole? It's 3:30 and I want pizza too now :(

oh and person who spoils dies, 800 times

Won't spoil anything, I hate that myself so much. Just look forward to the season! Fucking fantastic, finished the four episodes a few hours ago :)

With that said... Dumbledore kills Darth Vader's dog!
I need to format and start fresh on my PC, but I am so god damn lazy and I don't want to reinstall the games I am playing, they are too damn big.

Plus even with a Blu-Ray writer backing up 2 TB of stuff is... Daunting.